Tuesday, January 23, 2018

All Videos: Freedom & Property Rally, Paradise, Montana

The Freedom & Property Rally in Paradise, MT included multiple speakers.

Event recorded live by Redoubt News. The following Videos were taken from the live stream.

Rally took place on Saturday, January 20, 2018

Photo: From Left to Right: Joe Robertson, Billy Hill, Ryan Bundy, Shawna Cox and Roger Roots. (Photo credit: Redoubt News)

Cliven & Carol Bundy

He tells you of his 15-second defense

Shawna Cox

What happened the day that LaVoy Finicum died.

Ryan Bundy

Representing himself in both trials, Ryan Bundy was acquitted of more charges than any other defendant.

Senator Jennifer Fielder

Presenting a fully researched resolution to Congress and President Trump.

Billy Hill

Billy & the Bear, fighting for your rights for over 35 years.

Chris Briels

The former Fire Chief of Harney County, OR

Andrea Parker

Wife of Bunkerville defendant Eric Parker.

Roger Roots

The only attorney that sat through 4 of the 5 trials in both Oregon and Nevada.

Ryan Family

Singing “Ballad Of The Alamo”

Q&A Paradise

Counter protesters traveled to attempt to mix it up with the Bundy’s.

If you would like to watch the entire 4 hour presentation:

CLIVEN BUNDY IN MONTANA – Land-Grabbing Liberals Planning To Stage Protest

Redoubt News


The post All Videos: Freedom & Property Rally, Paradise, Montana appeared first on Oath Keepers.

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