Thursday, September 7, 2017

Call to Action: Volunteers Needed to Protect Houston Disaster Relief Center and Relief Workers


Protective Escorts for Medical Teams and Relief

In addition, we have been running escort missions for field medical teams from 

Global Outreach Doctors, Dr. Alison Thompson of Third Wave Volunteers, and Mobile Medics International (all outstanding and heroic lifesavers), relief supply convoys, and for truckers on the road when requested.

We will continue to run those missions if we have sufficient manpower, but by necessity, our protection of the relief center must take priority for now (at least for the next few weeks).

We will rotate people in and out, so if you can only come down for a couple of days, that is fine.   We need all the help we can get.


We are looking for men with relevant military, police, or security training, such as:

Current serving or retired law enforcement.    We have a crucial need for police officers to act as liaisons to local and federal LEO’s and also because of their many other skillsets which translate directly to nearly everything we are doing here.

Current serving or veteran military, especially infantry or other combat arms, military police, or others with Personal Security Detail, force protection or site security training and experience.

Experienced armed security professionals.    Must be trained, safe, and competent with your weapon and equipment.  And must have a solid understanding of the lawful use of force and the force continuum.

Above all, we want only cool, calm, steady men who will keep a cool head under pressure, and will interact well with many volunteers coming and going – quiet professionals.   You WILL be vetted.  If you have a CHL, please bring it.  Please bring a copy of any training certs you have, or any other pertinent proof of training or status, if at all possible.  Please make it easy for us to vett you and get you assigned to a team.   If you are an Oath Keepers member, please bring your membership card if you have it.   You DO NOT have to be a member to volunteer.  We will take all qualified personnel.  Please see the contact info below.

We can also still use:

Emergency medical personnel:   EMTs, military medics and corpsmen, civilian paramedics, nurses, etc.   However, please understand that our primary mission here at the warehouse is a fixed position defense/protection operation.   If we have enough people, we may be able to send some out on relief missions to affected areas, but please don’t count on that.   You would be needed to support and care for our people, and be prepared to deal with trauma just in case, and also to do some medical checks and first aid on disaster victims if you go out on a mission to affected areas (as our medics .  Please bring whatever gear you have that you would need to work that mission.

Communications experts (HAM General class or above preferred, but a technical class HAM is also useful).    Please bring extra radios if you have them.



Or email:

Any questions, please call or email.

We have been blessed with the honor of protecting and assisting some outstanding first-responders, including directly assisting local volunteer fire-fighters, search and rescue, police officers, sheriff deputies, and also National Guard units from multiple states including Texas and Louisiana (we actually helped protect unarmed National Guard and fire-fighters), and protecting the incredible volunteer medical teams mentioned above, as well as helping the devastated, tired, and wet Texans who live here.  It has been a privilege and an honor to do so, and we intend on being on call and ready to respond whenever they need us, as well as protecting this new relief supply center in Houston.  This is square on with our Community Preparedness Team (CPT) concept –  Americans coming together, lending a hand, is what it is all about.   We would hate to turn them down because we didn’t have enough men.

Robert Erwin, Vice President of R2 Corporation, is a great American patriot in the truest sense of that word – a man who loves his country and loves all of his fellow Americans regardless of their politics, and he deserves all our thanks and respect for providing this massive warehouse for relief operations.   And the many volunteers here also deserve our thanks, and they deserve our protection.  Please step up and help keep them all safe.   We are stretched thin, so please come out if you can.  Many hands make light work.

And again, if you can’t make it in person, please consider making a donation to help support those who can.

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