Thursday, December 21, 2017

Good Guys With Guns – Documentary Film 12-21-2017 Update

UPDATE from Good Guys With Guns Producer James Jaeger:

We have been working hard on the script for GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS and have completed a Fifth Draft which you can access at

I know Christmas is upon us and the TV and your kids are wanting you to go out and buy presents, but if you can set aside 25 minutes to read this 24 page script, I think you will gain some hope.  The whole concept behind supporting the first 13 words of the Second Amendment could really end these horrible mass-shootings — and this script, and the subsequent movie, will show how.  What could be a better Christmas present than this — knowing that there may be a way Americans can give the gift of peace.


Why the NRA Should Support ALL of the Second Amendment


GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS will thus hammer on the point that “gun-free zones” advocated by the gun-control lobby are really mass-murder zones.  Given this, shouldn’t “good guys with guns” be peppered across the nation anywhere and everywhere?  And shouldn’t these “good guys with guns” be trained, organized and well-regulated like it says in the first 13 words of the Second Amendment?  OATH KEEPERS are already “good guys with guns” because they understand the Second Amendment, but unfortunately others ignore the first 13 words of the Second Amendment and allow the media or the gun-control lobby to cow and control them.

Again, please read the narration script so you have a better idea what we are trying to accomplish with this movie. This script is inspired by the works of Edwin Vieira, Jr.  For those of you who may not be familiar with Dr. Vieira’s works, he is one of the foremost Constitutional attorneys in the nation and his many books include The Sword and Sovereignty, By Tyranny Out Of Necessity and Thirteen Words – all available at Amazon.

Help us continue this important film project by donating what you can at    We will accord you a screencredit on the finished movie to acknowledge your donation.  Early donors will be prominently acknowledged, not only in the MAIN or END titles of the completed movie, but in the pre-production trailers.

We announced GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS on 22 November 2017 – about 22 days ago – and already your donations have made it possible to research and develop five drafts of a great narration script; build the initial website and acquire temporary artwork.  We are now focused on polishing the narration script; developing the first trailer script; lining up expert interviews; producing the first trailer and creating new artwork.  Your donations are making all this possible.

*   *   *

The mass-shootings that have been happening across the nation must be addressed.  The producers and sponsors of this film believe the only way they can be stopped is by “good guys with guns.”  This means WE THE PEOPLE need to encourage our gun organizations to step up training in the proper handling of arms appropriate to stave off attacks.  This means WE THE PEOPLE must take responsibility for bringing the first 13 words of the Second Amendment -– a Constitutional Militia — into the public consciousness, no matter what the gun-control lobby and the Mainstream Media say.

GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS will be our 9th feature-length documentary.  All of our movies are public service projects and you can screen all of them for free at or get them on DVD at

Again, thank you for helping make these important films.  A “free state” and “a more perfect union” are made possible by men and women like you.






P.S.  If you don’t have the money to donate would you please forward this Progress Report to at least ten friends.  Wouldn’t it be great if a wider circle of Americans became more familiar with Constitutional principles.  Isn’t this a part of Making America Great Again?



Why the NRA Should Support ALL of the Second Amendment


Every time there’s another mass-shooting at a church, school or public place, predictably the same “gun-control” lobby comes out and advocates yet more infringements of the Second Amendment. More gun-free zones, more registration, more limits on weapons and accouterments that could save lives.

GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS explores the reasons the Founding Fathers gave WE THE PEOPLE a means of protecting ourselves, not only through the “individual right to keep and bear,” but through well-regulated state Militias.

Given the first 13 words of the Second Amendment — as well as 3 additional clauses in the U.S. Constitution – shouldn’t all Americans and gun associations be supporting ALL of the reasons the Framers wanted Americans to keep and bear?

Inspired by the works of Edwin Vieira, Jr., author of Thirteen Words, The Sword and Sovereignty and By Tyranny Out of Necessity

a James Jaeger Film, a MATRIX PRODUCTION in association with OATH KEEPERS

The post Good Guys With Guns – Documentary Film 12-21-2017 Update appeared first on Oath Keepers.

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