Monday, December 18, 2017

Draining The Swamp – Part XXXVIII – Deep State Corruption

It has been exposed that a high-level FBI agent, Peter Strzok, an ardent anti-Trumper and fervent pro-Hillary Clinton supporter was involved in both the investigation of the “Russia-Trump Collusion” and the email scandal of Hillary Clinton. Emails between Strzok and his lover, Lisa Page, also an FBI agent, show a remarkable bias against Trump and favoring Clinton bordering on paranoia against Trump, and what looks like a plan to derail Trump’s campaign, while giving a free pass to Hillary Clinton and her associates. That Strzok and Page should have recused themselves from any investigation of Trump or Clinton would seem obvious, given their bias, but such was not the case. Strzok was removed from the investigation of Trump by Robert Mueller after the emails came to light, to his credit, but the investigation of Trump continued, though it was predicated on the “Trump Dossier”, which has been discredited.

There are other aspects of the investigation that bring into question the impartiality of high-level FBI personnel, doing a great disservice to the many good people in the FBI. Slowly, we are learning more of the Fusion GPS creation of the “Trump Dossier”, and the FBI’s involvement, both with payments to Fusion GPS and connections between at least one high-level FBI agent and his wife, who was in the service of Fusion GPS. To put it mildly, the whole thing is beginning to stink of an attempted soft coup.

It is time for the investigators to be investigated. The highest levels of the FBI, Justice Department and the Special Counsel are chock full of Conflicts of Interest and should step down, and investigations of their actions should be forthcoming. Will it happen? We can only hope so, though the ability of those in power to coverup their crimes is historic. It is up to We the People to demand that this be done. Heads must roll! Justice is applicable to all, not just to the common folk. The mighty may think themselves impervious, but the truth will eventually win.

Stefan Molyneux discusses the Peter Strzok matter in the following video.

The post Draining The Swamp – Part XXXVIII – Deep State Corruption appeared first on Oath Keepers.

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