Saturday, October 21, 2017

A top investigator at Judicial Watch is warning…

By Dan Lyman    10-19-2017

A top investigator at Judicial Watch is warning that the United States is teetering on the verge of becoming a failed state, due to a virtually unaccountable federal government and profoundly corrupt deep state entity at its heart.

Chris Farrell, Director of Investigations and Research at the watchdog group, addressed the explosive developments and revelations pouring forth regarding the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton’s State Department and Eric Holder’s Department of Justice and their deep collaboration with the Russian government and business entities.

“We’ve gone so far beyond the pale – as a country, we have slid off the edge,” Farrell said. “It’s [the deep state] really a giant socialist organ operating, that protects itself – you see offense after offense, and you find out that laws are for the little people, the Clinton gang walks away.”

“People said, ‘Hey, where’s the Department of Justice investigation? Where’s the FBI?’ Half of the time, they’re complicit.”

Farrell addressed the dangerous nature of the on-going ‘Russian collusion’ witch hunt targeting the Trump administration, as it is essentially an inversion of justice that should have been exacted upon Obama administration officials, who have been embroiled in a scandal of epic proportions via the sale of 20% of US uranium to Russia in a deal involving mass-scale bribery and money laundering – and likely more serious crimes such as espionage and treason, which the Sessions DOJ is now reportedly investigating.

“This is evidence that we are becoming a failed state, and I’m not exaggerating when I say that,” Farrell said. “We have a paralyzed Justice Department and FBI, we have key leaders either unwilling to do anything or they themselves are personally compromised – these are all symptoms or evidence of a failed state. That’s where we’re going, and we’re doing it fast.”

“This level of corruption… this is not an exaggeration – we are at the edge of becoming a failed state because there is no real accountability, there are no consequences, and the general public sees this. They know what’s going on.”

Sources are predicting a possible upcoming Wikileaks document dump that could put more nails in the Clinton coffin, revealing further evidence of Hillary’s deep ties to Russia and her involvement in election rigging – not President Trump.

Read more at NEWSWARS

Photo credit: Drew Angerer / Getty


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