Friday, October 27, 2017

National Archives Releases Another 2,891 JFK Assassination Records

As discussed earlier, nearly 54 years after the assassination of JFK, in a release that was greenlighted by the president himself last week, and which Trump is eagerly awaiting...

While this was met with great anticipation as conspiracy theorists everywhere hoped to close the books on their various ideas surrounding the death of Kennedy, at the last minute President Trump appeared to cave to persistent cross-agency lobbying and announced he would not order the release of the full tranche of records, instead following last-minute recommendations of his national security agencies that some of those records be redacted to give in to pressure from the CIA.

Instead, the National Archives, in its role as custodian, has unveiled a smaller batch of so-called "JFK Files": some 2,891 JFK Assassination records meant to shed more light on what happened in Dallas at 12:30pm on November 22, 1963. While it is hoped that the release will answer some questions about the assassination of John F Kennedy, with virtually everyone in the US who is next to a computer trying to access the files at this moment...

... the last minute delay and blockage is likely to add fuel to dozens of brand new conspiracy theories.


How to access the documents:

The National Archives has scanned the them for public consumption. Click here for the main site. In July, a large trove of documents was made public, crashing the Archives site. According to Dallas News, officials say they"ve strengthened the site for the expected increase in interest today, but be prepared for slow load times and a possible interruption of service. Scroll past those July releases (or download them if you haven"t already) to get to the new stuff. The files will be available via .zip drive. The documents will then be saved locally to your computer.

A simpler way is just to search the database, but without knowing what one is looking for, it may be a little tricky.

Prepare for disappointment, however: the Dallas detective who was the first to interrogate Lee Harvey Oswald does not expect much new information to come from the Thursday release of sealed documents pertaining to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Speaking to CBS, Jim Leavelle answered questioned surrounding the assassination for five decades. "They’re thinking they’re going to find something new that nobody ever knows about,” said Leavelle. Known for his tan suit and tall cowboy hat, Leavelle was the man to Oswald’s right as Jack Ruby shot and killed Oswald. Leavelle was helping transfer Oswald when the shot was fired.

“You got a job to do and I had a job to save that man’s life,” said Leavelle. “That’s what was all going through my mind.”

“We checked it out to my satisfaction and to everybody else,” said Leavelle.

Their hard work has never satisfied some who feel investigators have held back information. There are details they are hoping will surface Thursday when President Trump signs off on the release of the final batch of classified JFK documents.


“To tell you the truth, I don’t give it much thought at all because I know pretty much what’s in all of them,” said Leavelle.


While he will not talk about everything that is currently classified, Leavelle still does not think the release will reveal much about Oswald’s unexplained trip to Mexico City weeks before the assassination or any other secrets.


“A lot of people are going to be disappointed I think,” said Leavelle. “They think they’re going to find a new suspect and all of this and those things and they’re not going to find it…because it’s not there.”

To those who still will not be satisfied, Leavelle has a message. “Well I’ll just tell you’ll have to keep looking and see if you find anything,” said Leavelle. “I can’t help you. I can’t build something that’s not there.”

Of course, there is no better way to confirm or deny the contents of the records, than to personally sift through all of them, which is why for all those seeking answer, remember: if you get a 404 error when clicking this site, just keep clicking - US labor productivity is already abysmally low anyway.

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Here are some early examples (as yet unconfirmed) from social media of potentially interesting tidbits exposed in the new files...

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