Thursday, October 19, 2017

Americans Are Winning: Empty Seats All Around The NFL In Week 6: You Have The Power!

We Americans put up with a lot if crap, but we have our limits. The NFL has pushed beyond those limits, and is now suffering the consequences, as many thousands of former fans have decided that enough is enough. ESPN, has condescended to the American people and is suffering the consequences, as hundreds of thousands of Americans have ended their subscriptions to their sports channel. You could say they poked the bear too many times. Bears have their limits.

Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other Social Justice Warriors are now suffering the consequences, too. We Americans are sick and tired of spoiled brats and academic eggheads telling us how to live our lives. We are tired of being told their is no difference between the sexes, when simple biology says different.

The bear has been poked too many times, and is now awake, and spoiling for a fight. Politicians who are afraid to take a stand for America are doomed. Politicians who sneer at Middle America, are doomed. The Mainstream Media is dying, because it is the voice of the Globalist Anti-American Elite.

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