Sunday, October 22, 2017

Newsweek Shows Continued Cluelessness with Call for ‘Action Hero” Gun-Grabbers

And Bill Hader says he knows what to do. It’s just that Newsweek thinks he’s not “action hero” material.

“Hollywood liberals can’t stop the NRA,” Newsweek’s “culture and entertainment reporter”  Emily Gaudette advocates. “We need Taylor Swift, country stars, action heroes.”

Typically, those who write editorials are distinguished from “reporters,” but if truth in labeling were really an issue, the publication would have to change its title to “’Progressive’ Opinionweek.” And if enough Americans valued those opinions, Sidney Harman (the late husband of my former anti-gun Congresswoman Jane) wouldn’t have been able to buy the whole rag for a dollar back in 2010.

What Gaudette is upset about is the lack of anyone “flyover country” Americans will care about featured in the latest Second Amendment hit piece video from Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown. The gaggle of virtue-signaling “celebrities” are reading from an ad agency-produced script urging viewers to text “#RejectTheNRA,” claiming that suppressor reform and concealed carry reciprocity would have somehow made Las Vegas more dangerous (Newsweek had to retract Gaudette’s claim that the Vegas killer used a silencer after enough readers screamed “Fake news!”) . What they’re doing is trying to halt any gun owner gains so that they can get back to the business of “slippery slope” rights evisceration.  Watch:

Is anyone surprised that “Comments are disabled for this video” and that the thumbs up/down counters aren’t working?

The indignant females are joined by a peppering of anti-gun males who, per Gaudette, just don’t satisfy the archetypal expectations of masculinity traditional “Deplorables” hold on to. If you think about it, she just dissed Bill Hader.

And if you think about it some more, she’s also admitting that the whole propaganda effort is based entirely on illusion, and relying on the elitist presumption that people who oppose “progressive” direction are dumb and impressionable enough to not be able to tell the difference between actors and the roles they play.

Does she really think going “country” means that segment of the populace won’t be able to distinguish between, say, Charlie Daniels and the Dixie Chicks? And as for using that as a ploy to appeal to the “Average Joe,” Bloomberg already tried that deception, and the only ones who didn’t see through it were smug urbanites who already agreed with him.

We’ve also had plenty of “action heroes” who have made big names for themselves and millions of dollars starring in shoot ‘em ups reveal themselves to be total frauds when it comes to respecting the rights of the people who pay to see them.

“Until America, door to door, takes every handgun, this is what you’re gonna have,” Sylvester Stallone of “Rambo” fame notoriously said. He’s been joined in citizen disarmament advocacy by a slew of “action heroes” I’ve written about over the years including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Liam Neeson, Matt Damon, Daniel Craig (and a bunch more Bonds), Michael Douglas, Mark Wahlberg and plenty more.

Unlike “progressives” who stoke their own egos pretending they’re more sophisticated than the “red state” Americans they like to call “racist” and “ammosexuals,” most of us know an actor is a professional pretender, and not necessarily the same in prowess, intellect and character as the fictitious persona he assumes for the camera.

That’s not how I determine my heroes.

Movies have been hurting of late, what with the Weinstein scandal, “blockbusters” that tank at the box office, and significantly, from many of us who are unwilling to pay exorbitant prices to enrich people who despise us while putting ourselves at risk in “gun-free” theaters. Calling on more “beloved stars” to publicly advocate for disarmament edicts and further alienate a large segment of the theater-going audience not only won’t work, it will drive even more gun owners away.

And truthfully, that’s fine by me…

What would happen if you texted ACCEPT? For one thing, you’d still be added to their spam list.


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David Codrea’s opinions are his own. See “Who speaks for Oath Keepers?”

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