Tuesday, August 15, 2017

HR McMaster: Trump’s Ally or Enemy?

HR McMaster: Trump’s Ally or Enemy? | h.r.-mcmaster | Politics Special Interests [image: theatlantic.com]As National Security Advisor, he holds one of the top Trump administration positions, able to exert considerable influence on America’s geopolitical agenda.

In April, investigative journalist Mike Cernovich accused him of “manipulating intelligence reports given to President Donald Trump,” adding:

He’s “plotting how to sell a massive ground war in Syria,” complicit with retired general/disgraced former CIA director David Petraeus, wanting “150,000” US ground troops in Syria.

He urged sending 50,000 more US forces to Afghanistan, discussed in an earlier article, wanting America’s long ago lost war, its longest in modern times, waged longer.

Because of leaking classified information to his mistress, Petraeus’ security clearance was revoked. Unnamed sources told Cernovich that McMaster is sharing classified information with him anyway.

On his mcmasterleaks.com web site, Cernovich said McMaster hired two allies of Ben Rhodes, Obama administration deputy national security advisor for strategic communications.

He hasn’t replaced Obama NSA holdovers hostile to Trump. He fired Trump loyalists Robin Townley, Derek Harvey, and Adam Lovinger.

Other NSC staffers removed include Tara Dahl and Ezra Cohen-Watnick. Trump’s intervention preventing Sebastian Gorka’s firing.

McMaster “fired Rich Higgins for writing a memo criticizing Islamic terrorism.” He publicly “correct(ed) and contradict(ed) Trump.”

Obama’s national security advisor, Susan Rice, caught unmasking Americans in a spying scandal, publicly hostile to Trump, is advising McMaster, according to Cernovich.

Trump ally KT McFarland was replaced by Petraeus loyalist Ricky Waddell. Chief White House strategist Steve Bannon was removed from his National Security Council position, though still reportedly attends NSC meetings.

On August 8,  Infowars reported McMaster’s alleged connection to international con man/staunch undemocratic Democrat party supporter George Soros. It quoted political consultant/Trump loyalist Roger Stone saying:

“I have confirmed from sources from inside the White House, the Israeli government and Israeli intelligence that the Israelis have intercepted email communications from General McMaster to George Soros, informing him of everything that’s going on inside the White House.”

“…I have double checked this with two different sources very high up in Israeli intelligence, and I actually expect the Israeli ambassador to the US to confirm this.”

It suggests McMaster may be involved in White House leaks, Soros through his operatives passing them on to media scoundrels.

According to Stone, Soros “penetrated the Trump White House” with Brookings Center on the United States and Europe director Fiona Hill appointed to the National Security Council.

She’s connected to Soros’ Open Society Institute, said Stone. According to Cernovich, “McMaster is a leaker who hires leakers.”

Is he a fifth column threat to Trump’s presidency?

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