Saturday, September 9, 2017

Angela Merkel pelted with tomatoes by voters during campaign rally (Video)

On Tuesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was pelted with tomatoes by voters during an election rally in Heidelberg.

Germans in attendance at the rally showed their displeasure with Merkel’s open door refugee policy.

According to The Gateway Pundit, campaigning in the eastern state of Saxony ahead of next month’s federal elections, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was booed, heckled and shouted at by protestors angry at her open borders migrant policy and its transformative effects on Germany.

Despite the increasing frustration and anger with the Chancellors globalist, neo-liberal policies, opinion polls consistently put her CDU party on track to win the German elections on September 24th.

Daily Mail UK reports…

The 63-year-old Chancellor came under literal and actual fire from hundreds of protesters voicing their upset over her ‘open doors’ policy during the 2015 migrant crisis.

Police said two tomatoes were thrown during different parts of the Chancellor’s speech with one striking her left hip.

One of her aides was also hit by the flying fruit as the words ‘liar’ and ‘hypocrite’ rang in her ears.

The noisy demonstration was fresh evidence that not all votes are guaranteed at the general election on September 24 when she seeks a fourth term in power.

Some 3,000 people were at the rally and those who demonstrated against her were angry at her refugee policies which have seen over a million unvetted immigrants enter the country in the last two years.

‘If we made a mistake, then it wasn’t in taking in people, ‘ Mrs. Merkel said in defence of her decision to open the doors to migrants in 2015.

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