Saturday, September 9, 2017

Hillary Clinton Says Children Of Illegal Immigrants “SHOULD BE SENT BACK.” (Video)

Does anyone recall the media declaring Hillary a Nazi after she said this just a few years earlier? Were the late-night talk show hosts mocking and ridiculing her? Were there protests in the streets? Members of Congress declaring her unfit to be President?


Because the entire immigrant issue is nothing more than a tool to divide Americans and Hillary Clinton as a member of the Establishment is allowed to simply say what needs to be said at any given time to get elected.

In 2016 that didn’t work. Donald Trump told the truth. He was viciously attacked for it but survived and most amazingly – HE WON. 

Now the entirety of the Establishment/Deep State is doing all they can to undo that outcome.

When anyone says POTUS Trump’s stance on immigration is wrong/hateful just show them this video of Hillary Clinton in 2014 and then tell them to grow up or shut up…


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