Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Univ. of Chicago Students Issue Outrageous, Racially Charged Demands to UC Officials

A coalition of multicultural student groups known as “UChicago United” has presented to the University of Chicago a list of demands obtained by Campus Reform that the group claims will “serve as the launch of long-term campaign fight for marginalized students.”

A UChicago United press release explains: “This coalition has formed to address a larger political climate that is epitomized in continuous occurrences of racist, discriminatory, and exclusionary acts within the UChicago community. UChicago United urges the university to treat the following events with the gravity they merit by offering affected students resources and pursuing disciplinary and/or legal action.”

The allegedly discriminatory events referenced include “offensive” posters discovered on campus on March 10, a “racist-themed” party scheduled for May 5, and anti-Palestinian posters found on campus on May 12, the Hyde Park Herald reports. UChicago United claims that the university has not offered substantive reform or created policies to address the concerns of its students when events such as these take place.

The coalition contends that the campus climate in general “fails to adequately support students of marginalized backgrounds and identities.” To address these concerns, UChicago United presented a list of demands at a campus rally on May 19. Approximately 40 students were in attendance. The rally featured speakers from numerous organizations, including Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlán (MEChA) de UChicago, the Organization of Black Students (OBS), PanAsia Solidarity Coalition (PanAsia), Muslim Students Association (MSA), Arab Students Association (ASA), African Caribbean Students Association (ACSA), and the Organization of Latin American Students (OLAS).

“The university claims that it’s dedicated to diversity and inclusion, but time and time again there are racist and discriminatory things that happen on this campus that aren’t properly addressed,” said a member of the Organization of Black Students, Qudsiyyah Shariyf, at the rally. “People are continually pushed aside and not included in discussions about their safety and well-being on this campus. We are demanding to be a part of those conversations and to have a say in the changes that we want to see made.”

But despite the coalition’s claims that it seeks inclusion, the demands represent an entirely opposite agenda. Rather than calling for unity, they demand racially divided lines in virtually every facet of the college experience. Separate but equal is not equal, except when allegedly marginalized groups self-marginalize, it would seem. 

For example, among the demands are a set of “university-funded and run cultural houses, specifically a Black House, a Latinx House, and an Asian House.” In fact, the demands appear to address virtually every race except Caucasian. Would UChicago United be comfortable with the creation of a White House at the campus for its white students? One will likely never know because no student dare try, lest he or she is labeled a racist and punished in either a de facto or official capacity.

The list also demands that the school’s core curriculum include “a new ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ graduation requirement” that would be “primarily focused on any US-centric structural oppression, such as race, gender, and sexuality.” In other words, UChicago United wants all graduating students to leave college with the belief that the United States is not the land of the free.

And yet, those same students are demanding that “oppressive” Uncle Sam open up his pocketbook and fund the education of illegal immigrants who, based on the impression left by the demands, hate this country. The list demands an increase in the “recruitment and admission” of “undocumented Latinx students,” as well as “full financial, legal, and mental health resources” for such students.

Additionally, the document calls for “the creation of a pre-orientation program specifically for incoming students of color,” which would “familiarize students with campus resources and multicultural registered student organizations” while easing “the transition to the university’s campus climate and academic demands.” The coalition seems to believe that “students of color” require special treatment to help them get through their transition to college, as if it"s more difficult for them. Isn’t that discriminatory?

The students also demand the establishment of a “Race and Ethnic Studies Department,” a “Black Studies Academic Department,” an “African Studies Department,” a “Caribbean Studies Department,” an “Asian American Studies Program,” a “Center for African and Caribbean Studies” and a “Latinx Affairs Office,” all of which would exist independently while still receiving funding from the university.

The coalition demands that the school take money from other organizations that are deemed discriminatory, presumably to fund the demanded initiatives. UChicago United declares that “limits and/or restrictions” should be placed “on the funding allotted to student organizations that are accused and/or found guilty of discriminatory behavior.”

Of course, it’s not clear what a student group would have to do to be labeled “discriminatory.” Based on the list of demands, it could be something as simple as hosting a Christmas party, as UChicago United could then argue that a Christmas party is not all-inclusive. And who is responsible for making that judgment? Also, wouldn’t the creation of a Black House, Asian House, and a Latinx House be discriminatory, since they marginalize students who do not belong to any of those races? But perhaps my white privilege is skewing my perspective.

Predictably, the list also demands that the school hire more non-white faculty members. 

The list of demands leads one to wonder why the students would not simply attend a historically minority college if their intent is to immerse themselves in only their own culture and surround themselves with only their own peers. It is clear based on the list that the students are not seeking diversity wherein they can coexist with students of other races and ethnicities.

Sadly, university officials are often all too happy to acknowledge and affirm student temper tantrums such as this one. A University of Chicago spokeswoman issued a statement in response to the rally that indicates the coalition has the school’s ear:

The University of Chicago has an unwavering commitment to the values of diversity and inclusion. The members of our University community are dedicated to continue addressing these matters, and have taken steps to improve in these areas, such as the recent climate survey on diversity and inclusion and the subsequent discussions around campus focused on these topics. We look forward to continued conversation and engagement across campus to provide a deeper understanding of the issues facing our campus.

And another campus falls prey to the snowflake agenda.

Image of fists: Screenshot of ad from UChicago United facebook page

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