Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Is This Supposed To Be Funny?: Trump’s Severed Head Featured In New Kathy Griffin Photo Shoot ***GRAPHIC IMAGERY***

Over the past few months, we’ve all seen plenty of has-been celebrities make ugly, and often violent statements toward President Trump. But what you’re about to see takes the cake.

On Tuesday, images of a photo shoot involving “comedian” Kathy Griffin surfaced, which show her holding up a fake bloody Trump head. The photos were taken by Tyler Shields, who is known for producing shocking images. Since then, both liberals and conservatives have condemned the stunt, and many Trump supporters have called for her arrest.

It’s hard to fathom the kind of warped mind that would think this is provocative, edgy, or funny. It’s just gross. This is yet another example of an anti-trump celebrity who has no sense of class or self-awareness.

But let’s not get carried away. All of these Trump supporters who are calling for her arrest are being a bit too sensitive. That’s exactly the sort of thing that the regressive left is often guilty of. They’re the ones who have a reputation for being hypersensitive, and calling for the arrests of people they disagree with (it should be noted that neither Kathy Griffin nor Tyler Shields have actually called for Trump’s death).

Instead, Trump supporters should be focusing on the hypocrisy of this. What would have happened if a conservative publicly held up a bloody head of President Obama? In all likelihood the Left would be foaming at the mouth. That person would be called a racist and a fascist, and the public outcry would probably ruin his career. The braying leftists would demand an apology, which he would give, even though it probably wouldn’t fully repair his career. He would be slammed with death threats. And yes, people would call for his arrest.

Instead of freaking out about this, Trump supporters need to calmly call this out for what it is. It’s disgusting and sad. It’s a desperate cry for attention and relevance. And it’s a perfect example of how leftists are painfully unfunny.

Here’s what’s really going on with this stunt: When you come to hate someone with a burning passion, you lose all sense of proportion and civility, and it becomes impossible to have a sense of humor about the person you hate. That’s because real comedy never comes from a place of hatred, which explains why the far-left is teeming with a bunch of humorless killjoys. They’re so consumed with hatred and self-righteous rage that they can neither take a joke, nor make a joke.

What Kathy Griffin just did, is basically the left’s reaction to Trump’s presidency in a nutshell.

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Author: Daniel Lang
Views: Read by 115 people
Date: May 30th, 2017

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