Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Trump Retains Marc Kasowitz As Private Attorney For Russia Probe

As reported earlier by Charles Gasparino of Fox News and subsequently confirmed by ABC, President Trump has reportedly retained a private attorney for Special Counsel Mueller"s probe of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.  Not surprisingly, Trump has chosen Marc Kasowitz of Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP whose list of "notable representations" includes representing "President Donald J. Trump in a wide range of litigation matters for over 15 years" at the very top, most recently in regards to Trump"s threat to sue to NYT for an October story that he groped and kissed women.  In addition, Kasowitz represented Trump in numerous other cases, including on his divorce records, real estate transactions and allegations of fraud at Trump University.

Among the firm"s other notable attorneys is none other than former Senator, and rumored front-runner for the vacant FBI Director seat, Joe Lieberman.  That said, we would assume that the retention of Kasowitz implies that Lieberman is no longer being considered for the FBI"s top spot. It remains to be seen how long until Trump"s retention of outside counsel is interpreted by the media as admission of guilt.

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