Wednesday, May 24, 2017

UK: Rudd vents frustration over US spies leaking 'operational' details about Manchester attack saying she has warned them it 'cannot happen again'

Amber Rudd vented her frustration today over US leaks about details of the Manchester terror attacks.

The Home Secretary delivered a rare public rebuke to the American authorities by admitting she was "irritated" by the way "operational" information had been disclosed.

She said she had made "very clear" to the US that such leaks "cannot happen again".

But the Cabinet minister"s warning seems to have fallen on deaf ears - as both US and French officials have been revealing more details about the case.   

Transatlantic security ties have been incredibly close for decades, with intelligence freely shared.

The Home Secretary delivered a rare public rebuke to the American authorities today by admitting she was "irritated" by the way "operational" information had been disclosed 

This photo shows the aftermath of the suicide bomb which ripped through the foyer of the venue killing parents and children

But the identity of the Manchester bomber, 22-year-old Salman Abedi, was revealed in the American media yesterday with reports attributing the details to "US officials".

Although British journalists had the name, the UK government and police were refusing to confirm it as the counter-terror operation was still in progress.


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