Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Getting US Out of the UN for Good!

With United Nations entities and personnel repeatedly demonstrating bad judgment, illegality, and corruption, now is the time for the United States to exit the UN.

The United Nations is out of control. In April, for instance, the world learned that there have been thousands of accusations against United Nations “peacekeeping” troops over the last decade alleging rape and sexual abuse of women and children. Uncovered through an investigation by the Associated Press, the 2,000 accusations — almost none of which resulted in anyone being punished — are just the tip of a massive iceberg of horror, the fruits of an evil organization run by evil forces. The overwhelming majority of the UN’s victims never report the savage crimes, either because they do not know how, or because they fear that the men with guns and blue UN helmets will return and hurt them yet again.

The UN’s well-known and relentless persecution of whistleblowers who expose the crimes of the UN and its leaders, meanwhile, plays a key role in keeping most of the atrocities perpetrated by the UN under wraps. Now, as The New American reported recently in a series of exclusive online articles, two UN bosses are literally trying to have journalists jailed for their factual reporting. In Italy, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and its communist-linked chief have filed a criminal complaint for “defamation” against the Italian Insider newspaper and its editor. Truth is not even necessarily a defense under the arcane fascist-era statute in question. In Switzerland, the UN World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and its boss filed a criminal complaint against a journalist who reported on well-documented charges of corruption, abuse, and nepotism against the outfit’s leader.

But all the persecution and terror in the world cannot silence the truth — that the UN is corrupt to the core, and represents a massive threat to humanity and liberty. With the Internet and the rise of the alternative media, the UN’s bitter fruit is now impossible to conceal from the masses. And yet, despite that truth, the UN agenda marches onward as if nothing was happening.

This article appears in the May 22, 2017, issue of The New American. To download the issue and continue reading this story, or to subscribe, click here.

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