Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Outrage Ensues As Rambling Maxine Waters Has Her Mic Cut By Democratic Party

African American Caucus leaders are outraged today and wondering whether racism played a role in the attempted silencing of Maxine Waters as he microphone was cut at speech before the California Democratic Party African American Caucus.  From the LA Times:

The head of the California Democratic Party African American Caucus said Monday he was working with state party officials to determine who was responsible for cutting off the sound to U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters" microphone as she spoke to the group at the party"s convention on Saturday.

"This is a very unusual situation, and we are collectively trying to figure out a path forward to address what happened and make sure these things do not happen in the future," Caucus Chairman Darren Parker said.

Of course, in reality, Waters" mic was cut because the Caucus meeting extended well beyond its scheduled end time per a contract with their audio vendor...but those are just silly facts.

Meanwhile, after a series of seemingly nonsensical interviews over the past several months, like that time she blasted Putin for "continuing to advance into Korea",  most people are wondering why anyone still cares what Maxine Waters has to say in the first place?

In any event, here is the first unsuccessful attempt of the Democratic Party"s audio team to shut down Waters" mic.  As you can see, this was clearly racially motivated because the sound technician is had nothing to do at all with Waters" endless, incomprehensible rambling.

That said, the second attempt at cutting her mic was successful and sent the room of attendees into confusion.  Of course, that didn"t stop Waters who "persisted" and finished her speech to chants of "Impeach 45" from the crowd. 

Meanwhile, this guy was very angry.

In conclusion, this clip seems to summarize our thoughts fairly succinctly:

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