Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Putin Accused of Bribing Trump

Putin Accused of Bribing Trump | trump-and-putin | Politics World News (image: Yahoo)

You have to be delusional to believe it, neocon Senate Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R. CA) making the baseless accusation, saying:

“There’s two people I think Putin pays: (Rep. Dana) Rohrabacher and Trump,” according to a June 15, 2016 recorded discussion with other Republicans, including Speaker Paul Ryan.

It followed talks on Capitol Hill with putschist Ukrainian prime minister Vladimir Groysman, bashing Russia irresponsibly,  claiming the Kremlin bribes politicians to serve its interests.

It was around the time Moscow was falsely accused of hacking last year’s US presidential election, McCarthy joining the chorus of Russia bashers.

Irresponsibly saying Trump was bribed puts him on the wrong side of good governance, maybe covertly supporting his ousting as president even though Republican leadership maintains public support.

For how long remains open to question. After balking for months, maybe they’ll agree with calls for a special prosecutor and independent commission to investigate alleged Trump/Russia ties – despite no evidence suggesting any, baseless allegations and accusations alone.

A Rohrabacher spokesman said he supports “working closer with the Russians to combat radical Islamism. The congressman doesn’t need to be paid to come to such a necessary conclusion.”

Anyone in Washington supporting improved relations with Russia for any reason, including to combat terrorism, automatically becomes targeted for vilification.

Trump suggesting it got himself marked for removal. He’s fighting for his political life, a battle he may lose.

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