Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Scared Steve Bannon in Saudi Arabia Is the Most Awkward Thing You’ll See This Week

(ANTIMEDIA) Have you stopped to wonder what the most awkward thing in the world was this week? Look no further. It was hands down a scared Steve Bannon surrounded by Sunni Muslims in Saudi Arabia.


It really makes you wonder what’s going through his head. Breitbart Bannon — who has his finger on the pulse on the alt-right movement, which propelled Trump to his stunning electoral upset last year — seems to be worried about something.

His boss, Donald Trump, previously accused Saudi Arabia of being behind the 9/11 attacks. He called on Hillary Clinton to return the millions of dollars the Saudis gave to the Clinton Foundation, but an Ivanka Trump-inspired women’s fund just hypocritically accepted $100 million from Saudi Arabia and its allies.

Now Bannon, Trump, and company were just in the Arab state literally dancing and holding hands with Saudi princes.

One of the alt-right’s rallying cries is against “radical Islamic terrorism,” a term Trump refused to say while bowing to Saudi royalty. Anyone who has been paying attention knows Saudi Arabia is the main state-sponsor of ISIS.  Yet Trump and Bannon were over there selling them a record amount of military arms that will likely wind up in ISIS’ hands and contribute to killing innocent people. It’s even possible they will eventually be used for terror attacks against Westerners. Was Bannon feeling bad about arming Wahhabi terrorists?

Maybe Bannon’s awkwardness comes from the realization that the Trump administration just betrayed its base by curtsying to the Saudi head-choppers. Or maybe he was just constipated, or high on opiates, or had severe social anxiety. Or maybe he’s just never seen a Muslim IRL before. Either way, it was awkward AF  and the three-second clip made for hours of entertainment on Twitter.

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