Thursday, February 22, 2018

CNN, Jake Tapper Face Growing Criticism Over ‘Abusive’ Anti-Gun ‘Show Trial’

This article comes from

by John Nolte

CNN’s anti-gun town hall event and its left-wing moderator, Jake Tapper, are facing widespread criticism over what many saw as a bullying “show trial.”

Tapper is being singled out for much of the criticism from those who say he remained silent as abusive personal attacks were hurled at Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch. Incredibly, Tapper also remained silent as his audience booed a rape victim.

At the Wednesday night spectacle, those in favor of protecting our Second Amendment civil rights were vastly outnumbered by an audience packed with hostile gun-haters and emotional questioners, including children.

According to various reports, the anti-gun participants were given scripted questions crafted by CNN. The last-place network has denied this by attacking a school shooting victim as a liar. His accusation, however, is credible given CNN’s long and disturbing history of using plants.

Throughout the hour, the audience heckled, howled, and poured derision on Loesch and Rubio. Other than admonishing his audience for calling Loesch a “murderer,” Tapper stood by in silent approval as abuse and personal attacks rained down on his outnumbered guests.

Read more here.

The post CNN, Jake Tapper Face Growing Criticism Over ‘Abusive’ Anti-Gun ‘Show Trial’ appeared first on Oath Keepers.

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