Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Millennial Utopian Society

The Millennial Utopian Society | your-utopia-my-dystopia | Society US News

In order to understand the millennial phenomena that has influenced the beginning years of the 21st century, acknowledgement that the under thirty sect is quite different from their parents’ generation is crucial. Back some fifty plus years the popular saying coined by Jack Weinberg was  “Don’t trust anyone over 30”. The crowning irony is that this mindset was expressed during the “Free Speech Movement at UC Berkeley which was a struggle by students over the right to engage in political speech on campus, which helped to catalyze broader political activism on campuses around the country over student rights, civil rights and the Vietnam War”.

Millennial neophytes or recent graduates view student rights as maintaining a safe space so that their social and political attitudes will not suffer the discomfort of being challenged. This repudiation of scholarly standards is often shared by the faculty and administrations of universities of higher learning. Debate and discourse have become outmoded interaction. The mere experience of personal social dealings and dialogue has become so out-of-date that the new norm of contact is texting through the internet of captured digital data.

This method for communal communication distinctly increases civic isolation. In the 1960’s what once was anti-establishment protest against injustices and imperialism has morphed into indisputable authoritarian demands for applying the agenda of progressive collectivism.

Global warming became climate change and is now an excuse to de-industrialize Western economies, while restricting third world aspirants from developing their own national wealth. The mantra of planetary peril does not allow the debunking from all the decades old and dire pronouncements that the coast lines would be underwater by now.

Utopia for this segment of the egalitarian god is government adorers, places their faith in technological applications to eradicate the stability that comes from a traditional family and a balanced society with respect for the cosmic order and limitation of the human species.

In the social realm, one of the favored patterns of victimhood that the progressive left seldom vary from is that America is based upon racism. To achieve Utopia from these guilt ridden apologists over our heritage, a repeated mantra of manufactured remorse sets out to degrade White European descendants and elevate the rainbow coalition of color as superior position within the political and social structure.

Achieving this false paradigm, the Democratic Socialism and the Poor becomes the replacement for the economic practices that built a viable middle class in our country.

Before sending your cat calls of denunciation, read Hugh Whelchel’s account.

“Swedish author Nima Sanandaji writes in his 2016 book Debunking Utopia: Exposing the Myth of Nordic Socialism that the social success of Nordic countries pre-dates progressive welfare-state policies:

In fact, their economic and social success had already materialized during a period when these countries combined a small public sector with free-market policies. The welfare state was introduced afterward. That the Nordic countries are so successful is due to an exceptional culture that emphasizes social cohesion, hard work, and individual responsibility.”

The Millennial outlook does not embrace individual responsibility. In a Uber transportation grid, learning to drive a vehicle is not needed since living in your tiny loft where your groceries are delivered by Whole Foods does not require independent consumerism. Such a lifestyle leads to political dependency seen in Why Millennials Love Bernie Sanders.

As The Atlantic reports, this young generation is liberal, leftist and even socialist in record numbers. Mother Jones reports that it is the largest generation in the country and equal in voting numbers to the Baby Boomers for the first time ever.

The Sanders campaign has resonated with millennials for the simple reason that he has been the only candidate to take the issues facing our nation’s young seriously. He was the first candidate to put the issue of student debt on the map and he was the only candidate brave enough to state outright that the greatest security threat to the planet is climate change—not ISIS.”

Student debt relief and forgiveness is the height of obscenity, when even the most foolish of government schooled enlistees borrowed small fortunes to attend a graveyard of group think. Repeat over again until it sinks in. Utopia for the Millennials dictates that government provides benefits and eventually universal income to everyone.

Do not depend on the tech sector to spread the wealth. The Digital Age May Not Be the Utopia Millennials Thought It Would Be takes the wind out of the app sails that occupy the wasted time spent, while sipping espresso.

“A report published by Al Jazeera and now Kentucky journalism professor David R. Wheeler is suggesting that the digital age has a clear message for the young people in its workforce.

“Drop dead.”

“But despite falling unemployment, college grads age 22 to 27 are stuck in low-paying jobs that don’t even require a college degree,” he adds. “The percentage of young people languishing in low-skill, low-paying jobs is 44 percent, a 20-year high.”

Where is all this going? Taking the broad view of the future, when the next generation is struggling to earn a living wage and the first time job seekers are part time employed, living in the basement of a shared abode; what is the need for all these unemployed or underemployed people? Add the continued influx of both legal and illegal immigrants and you have a formula of subsistence level existence.

Without a dramatic growth in the economy, the need for expanding the work force is marginal. Now the plot thickens with the emergence of robot automation. The substitution of the human component should not be dismissed lightly. When Millennials Are Not Worried About Robots Taking Over Human Jobs, they are in denial because their safe space is being violated. “Nearly 80 percent of young people who participated in the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers Survey 2017 believe that technology is creating, rather than destroying, jobs for humans.”

Compounding this trend is the fact that the social interactive skills of the Millennial age bracket is so lacking and bias against the realities of practical life that rational consumers would not listen much less pay for their advice or services. Proof of this fact is demonstrated everyday with the dribble from the mod squad talking heads on the lamestream media.

The cultural cognitive dissonance among these underachievers has Half of millennials could be competing with robots for jobs. Here are the facts:

“About half of millennials looking for work are interested in jobs that carry a risk of automation, a new study suggests. The findings indicate the youngest and most educated generation in the American workforce isn’t necessarily more robot-proof than older workers, who tend to be portrayed as the primary victims of automation.”

The prospects of a Democratic Party blowout in the next election cycles is being hyped up to convince the marginal bottom feeders to accept that their only hope is to redistribute the wealth. The means presented to lower the expectations require classical fascism and a greater degree of a governance from a police state.

So it should not surprise when the British press reports that More than a quarter of millennials say they would replace a human lover with a DROID. Such an absurd and audacious outlook points to the demented state of affairs that the world in rushing towards.

“As robots become an ever increasing part of our daily lives, humans could soon find love with the machines, according to a new report.

The report suggests that over a quarter of 18-34 year-olds will feel it’s normal to form friendships and even romantic relationships with robots in the future instead of humans.”

The collectivism of the transhumanist society that is emerging has a dire acceptance from a large number of the Millennial age group. According to the National Review, these snowflake social-justice warriors have had encouragement on their path to the ludicrous.

“The upper-middle-class American style of parenting is creating a generation of children who are trained from birth to believe three things: first, that the central goals of life are success and emotional well-being; second, that the child’s definitions of success and emotional well-being are authoritative; and third, that parents and other authority figures exist to facilitate the child’s desires. If the child is the star of his own life’s story, then parents and teachers act as agents, lawyers, and life coaches. They are the child’s chief enablers.”

If this is Utopia, the converse of Jack Weinberg’s assertion is more operationally correct – Don’t trust anyone UNDER 30. Our own coming of age generation revered Free Speech. Millennials often act as uneducated idiots with zero tolerance for anyone dissenting from their zealot multiculturalism political correctness. The prospects for a civilized society based upon mutual respect cannot exist when the successful producers are demonized as unworthy of inclusion into the body politik. When the teaching of the difference between ideas and facts is lost on leftist scholars because of academics’ love of socialism, the breakdown of society accelerates.

The post The Millennial Utopian Society appeared first on The Sleuth Journal.

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