Sunday, December 10, 2017

Comey Outs Himself As Pseudo-Intellectual Trying To Troll Trump, Attributes Snooty Quote To Wrong Author

Content originally published at

As we previously reported, James Comey has been quite the chatterbox on Twitter since revealing his new @Comey handle - firing off tweets about nature scenes, bible quotes, social gatherings, and recently quoting himself - proclaiming how "honest" and "strong" the FBI is despite what seem to be daily revelations of the agency"s political bias. He"s quite the intellectual!

Here"s Comey, deep in intellectual thought...

And here"s a picture of a river which Comey tweets along with a quote about - get this - lying:

And last week, Comey threw around bible verse Amos 5:24, "But justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream." Kind of ironic for a guy who couldn"t wait for "justice" to roll down before drafting Hillary Clinton"s exoneration letter.

Which brings us to Comey"s latest attempt at depth after President Trump tweeted a video of himself outside of Air Force One with the caption "On my way to Pensacola, Florida. See everyone Soon! #MAGA"

Less than an hour later, Comey tried to roast Trump with a pithy quote about grandstanding for attention - which, ironically, Comey tweeted for attention while promoting his book tour.

Cute, except Comey attributed the quote to the wrong author! 

The reactions have been priceless:


h/t Twitchy

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