Thursday, December 21, 2017

Newly Released CIA Memo Suggests Foreknowledge of the JFK Assassination

Newly Released CIA Memo Suggests Foreknowledge of the JFK Assassination | jfk_files | CIA Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News


By: George Cassidy Payne | 

Despite shell shocking disclosures about false flag operations in Cuba, Oswald’s career as an intelligence agent, Hoover’s hair trigger efforts to corrupt a professional criminal investigation, mob ties to the CIA, and much more than that, the mainstream media has decided that the newly released JFK assassination files do not reveal anything controversial.

Instead of a honest historical and political appraisal of these documents, we get classic whitewashing and shameless disinformation- statements like this one by one of our nations most esteemed publications:

“The documents that were released show federal agents madly chasing after tips, however thin, in the days after the Nov. 22, 1963, assassination and juggling rumors and leads worldwide.”

Is that so?

Putting that kind of silliness aside, if the American intelligence community intended to suppress any file that would appear as a smoking gun to JFK assassination researchers, they made a huge blunder when they released a memo from the CIA to FBI that says a senior reporter at Cambridge Evening News was told to call the American embassy for some “big news” about twenty-five minutes before John F. Kennedy was assassinated. The memo, dated Nov. 26, 1963, says: “After the word of the President’s death was received the reporter informed the Cambridge police of the anonymous call, and the police informed MI5. The important point is that the call was made, according to MI5 calculations, about 25 minutes before the president was shot.”

In fact, a copy of the memo was released by the National Archives in the U.S. in July, but had gone essentially unreported. It may have never made the news if not for the hoopla surrounding Trump’s partial release of the JFK files-documents promised to the American people when President Bill Clinton authorized the JFK Records Act in 1992. The memo was discovered by a lawyer, Michael Eddowes, who devoted much of his life searching for the truth behind Kennedy’s murder. Eddowes, who died in 1992, believed that the anonymous caller was a British-born Soviet agent named Albert Osborne. According to Eddowes theory, the Soviet Union wanted the American leaders and populace to view the assassination as a conspiracy. In the same USA Today article, Enddowes is said to have identified this spy by the alias of John Howard Bowen, a man who knew Lee Harvey Oswald on a personal basis.

As intriguing as this speculation may be, what is indisputable is that whoever placed the call knew what they were doing and had their own reasons for making the call. Evidently, this brazen and extremely suspicious act seized the attention of very powerful individuals in Washington. The memo itself was from none other than the CIA’s legendary counterintelligence guru James Angleton. It was written to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and was dated four days after the president’s death. The memo also cryptically states that “similar anonymous phone calls of a strangely coincidental nature have been received by persons in the UK over the past year.”

Given the seriousness Angleton and Hoover saw in this, is it too simpleminded to ask why this memo was kept under wraps for 54 years? If it was a routine analysis about an oddly timed phone call to a small and irrelevant newspaper in Britain, then just release this information to the public during the Warren Commission. What has changed after five decades of concealment to make this document less of a national security risk than it was in 1963? Could it be that this document is still dangerous today for the same reasons that it was back then? The memo indicates foreknowledge of the assassination. “I have no choice,” Trump said, citing “potentially irreversible harm” to national security if he were to allow all records to come out now.

That poorly timed call to the Cambridge station on Friday, November 22, 1963, forced Angleton to write a memo to Hoover because he saw the call as a potential smoking gun that could have undermined the cover up. How did the person who made the call know about this “big event” ahead of time? If Oswald was the only person who knew that he was going to kill the president that day, why do we have this call coming in 25 minutes before the event happened? It was 12:15pm in Dallas when the call arrived in Cambridge at 6:15 pm. Kennedy was killed at 12:30 pm and the call arrived in the UK at 6:30 pm. If it wasn’t a foreign spy, could it have been a highly trained individual who was a bit too careless? Like so much of the mystery hovering over this tragedy, we may never know the facts of what happened.

That being said, I am not surprised that this memo was kept hidden for so long. It is more surprising that the intelligence community would allow it to get out now.

*Recall Jane Standley’s live report on BBC Worldnews when she started reporting that 7 World Trade Center had collapsed about 23 minutes before the building came down? As video of the news network’s live broadcast on September 11 reached the world, the skyscraper (also known as the Salomon Brothers Building) was still standing and clearly visible over the shoulder of the reporter. Considering that this building was not hit by a plane that day- and that no skyscraper in history has collapsed in free fall due to structural fires- the government’s explanation has always been physically impossible. Since 2001, thousands of architects and engineers across the world have declared that Building

7 was most likely brought down by a controlled demolition.

The question lingers: Why did a news reporter announce the fall of a 47 story skyscraper, 23 minutes before it actually came down?

George Cassidy Payne is a freelance writer, domestic violence counselor and SUNY adjunct professor of philosophy. He writes frequently for a wide variety of national and international publications.

The post Newly Released CIA Memo Suggests Foreknowledge of the JFK Assassination appeared first on The Sleuth Journal.

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