Thursday, December 21, 2017

McCabe Testimony Contained "Numerous Conflicts" With Previous Witnesses; Subpoenas Planned

After Eight Hours Of Testimony And More Scheduled For Thursday, Congressional investigators tell Fox News that Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe dodged questions on the "Trump-Russia" dossier, and his testimony "contained numerous conflicts with the testimony of previous witnesses" so much that the House Intelligence Committee is planning to issue new subpoenas next week to Justice Department and FBI Personnel. 

While HPSCI staff would not confirm who will be summoned for testimony, all indications point to demoted DOJ official Bruce G. Ohr and FBI General Counsel James A. Baker, who accompanied McCabe, along with other lawyers, to Tuesday’s HPSCI session. -Fox News

“It’s hard to know who’s telling us the truth,” said one House investigator after McCabe’s questioning - which was reportedly spearheaded by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC). 

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

Individuals thought to be on the new subpoena list include demoted DOJ official Bruce Orr and FBI General Counsel James A. Baker. Notably absent, however, is Peter Strzok - the veteran counterintelligence agent in charge of both the Hillary Clinton email "matter" and the early Trump-Russia investigation who sent anti-Trump text messages to his mistress. 

McCabe was described as a "friendly witness" to Democrats in the room, who tried to enlist McCabe in building a case against President Trump for obstruction of justice. "If he could have, he would have" said one witness in the closed door session. 

When asked about how hard the FBI worked to verify the anti-Trump "dossier," McCabe stood by its credibility - despite the FBI"s unwillingness to pay former MI6 spy Christopher Steele an agreed upon $50,000 if he could verify the claims in the document which relied on senior Kremlin officials

Per the New York Times

The agent said that if Mr. Steele could get solid corroboration of his reports, the F.B.I. would pay him $50,000 for his efforts, according to two people familiar with the offer.


Ultimately, he was not paid.

When asked about funding for the dossier, McCabe claimed he could not recall whether or not the Clinton campaign and the DNC funded the report - despite the alleged existence of documents which McCabe signed establishing his knowledge of its financing and provenance. 

Curiously, ahead of McCabe"s Thursday appearance in front of the House Judiciary Committee for a "transcribed interview," the DOJ has announced that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe "will not be in a position to discuss matters that are within the scope of the investigation of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III." 

The news comes a week after McCabe canceled a previously scheduled testimony after a Fox News report that the wife of Senior DOJ official Bruce Ohr worked for Fusion GPS, the company which created the Trump-Russia dossier. 

Perhaps McCabe revealed too much to the House Intelligence Committee - because it appears the Judiciary Committee won"t be able to ask McCabe questions such as whether or not the FBI launched their Russia investigation based on the unverified Fusion GPS "Trump-Russia" dossier, which was funded in part by Hillary Clinton and the DNC and was created with the cooperation of high level Kremlin officials.

Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr

If McCabe can"t talk about the genesis of the Trump-Russia investigation, it likely also means there will be no discussion of the anti-Trump text messages sent by the lead FBI investigator on both the Clinton email probe and the Trump-Russia investigation to his mistress - which includes the infamous "Insurance Policy" text.

Does this also mean the Clinton email investigation is off limits due to Peter Strzok"s involvement? 

  • No questions about the FBI"s extensive edits to the Clinton exoneration statement made by FBI top brass, and overseen by Deputy Director McCabe - which effectively decriminalized the behavior of a candidate for US President while running for office? 

  • No questions about the immunity agreements given to Hillary Clinton"s IT staff which installed her illegal server, and went on Reddit to ask how they could "strip VIP"s emails?" 

  • No questions about which DOJ employees conducted the "mid-year review" during the investigation of Secretary Clinton"s use of a private email server?

Was McCabe allowed to discuss his potential hatch act violation? 

Perhaps little birds in the House Judiciary Committee will relay the details of tomorrow"s testimony to Fox News and we"ll be all the wiser. 

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