Two liberal professors from San Diego State University are now claiming that the existence of farmers markets in urban areas, outside the control of corporations, is racist and normalizes the eating habits of white people.
Pascale Joassart-Marcelli and Fernando J Bosco made the insane claims in a chapter of a new anthology released this month that “researches” the correlation between how white a specific farmers market supposedly is and the gentrification in said area.
As Campus Reform notes, “The anthology, which features contributions from a variety of professors, aims to highlight the harms of “environmental gentrification,” a process in which “environmental improvements lead to…the displacement of long-term residents.”
The Washington Times also reported on this hardcore liberal insanity:
“Farmers’ markets are often white spaces where the food consumption habits of white people are normalized,” the SDSU professors write, the education watchdog Campus Reform reported Wednesday.
The geology professors claim that 44 percent of San Diego’s farmers’ markets cater to “households from higher socio-economic backgrounds,” which raises property values and “[displaces] low-income residents and people of color.”
“The most insidious part of this gentrification process is that alternative food initiatives work against the community activists and residents who first mobilized to fight environmental injustices and provide these amenities but have significantly less political and economic clout than developers and real estate professionals,” the academics write.
The authors claim that negative externalities of “white habitus” formed at farmers’ markets can be managed through “inclusive steps that balance new initiatives and neighborhood stability to make cities ‘just green enough.’”
One has to wonder what is actually going through the minds of the two professors as they attempted to write a serious research chapter on how terrible it is that white people shop at farmers markets.
Campus Reform continued:
The professors stop short of offering specific remedies, but do conclude that “curbing gentrification is a vexing task” that requires the involvement of both community members and local governments.
“Strong community involvement,” they say, is necessary in order to ensure that “the needs of the poorest…residents are prioritized,” while local governments can enact “equitable zoning policies, rent-control laws, and property tax reforms in favor of long-time homeowners” to combat the trend toward gentrification.
“Ultimately,” they conclude, countering gentrification “requires slow and inclusive steps that balance new initiatives and neighborhood stability to make cities ‘just green enough.’”
Keep in mind this is simply another transparent example of the hard-lefts now public attack on all things white, a strategy being paid for by the likes of George Soros in order to keep the population divided and fixated on each other rather than actually targeting the real power structure.
Whether it be a panel of liberal speakers taking aim at the very idea of white womanhood simply because a percentage of white women didn’t vote for the Democrat in Alabama or a women being attacked in a Brooklyn deli because she was assumed to be a Trump supporter, this sort of reverse racism is increasing and, as noted above, will only serve to help the agenda of the true powers that be.
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