Friday, December 1, 2017

Draining The Swamp – Part XXVII – A Switch In Tactics By Swamp Creatures

The Swamp Creatures have been quiet, recently, about the “Trump-Russia Collusion” meme they invented to attack Pres. Trump. It has been shown to be a farce, so even they realize it isn’t working. This doesn’t mean they won’t continue to stop attacking him, of course. It merely calls for different tactics.

The Swamp Creatures are reeling from all the sexual misconduct allegations swirling around Hollywood, the Mainstream Media (MSM), and within the halls of Congress. They desperately need to divert attention away from themselves, so have begun a new meme, (for that is all it is), which is that Trump is “mentally unstable”.

From Infowars:

MSNBC’s Morning Joe hosts called for President Trump to be removed from office via the 25th Amendment this morning, claiming that he is mentally unstable.

Mika Brzezinski read a New York Daily News editorial on air, quoting “Only those completely under his spell can deny what growing numbers of Americans have long suspected: The President of the United States is profoundly unstable. He is mad. He is by any honest layman’s definition mentally unwell.”

She also quoted a New York Times writer who wrote that “something is unleashed with” Trump at this time.

Mika Brzezinski is the daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of the founders, along with David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger, of the Trilateral Commission. You could say Mika and her Father are deeply embedded in the Swamp of the Deep State. And isn’t it just amazing that Mika is the co-host of a MSNBC news (?) show? Her co-host, Joe Scarborough, rants often against Trump. Joe pretends to have been a Republican, but talks the globalist line of Henry Kissinger.

Joe went on to demand that the Cabinet use the 25th Amendment of the Constitution to remove President Trump from office. Watch the video  below to see for yourself. If anyone appears mentally unstable, it is, in my opinion, Joe Scarborough.

The Deep State Swamp Creatures are scared. That is obvious. For them to bring out this ridiculous meme shows the state of their desperation. Of course, few people outside of the Swamp pay attention to MSNBC and their tripe, but it is interesting, nevertheless, to see this change in tactics. Needless to say, the MSM will all dutifully line up behind the New York Times, the Washington Post and the likes of CNN and MSNBC, to carry the banner of the globalists forward. I would be shocked if they didn’t. But unsubstantiated accusations of mental instability, coming from the likes of Joe and Mika? Do they really think any sensible person will believe them? Any thinking person can see they are only seeking to regain power for themselves by destroying Trump. No one ever thought the Swamp Creatures would go down without a fight, but this pathetic tactic is truly amazing in its childishness.


The post Draining The Swamp – Part XXVII – A Switch In Tactics By Swamp Creatures appeared first on Oath Keepers.

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