Monday, October 30, 2017

"Unhinged" Billionaire Steyer Urges Nation To "Impeach Mentally Unstable Trump" In Prime Time World Series Ad

In the commercial break right before the National Anthem was sung at tonight"s game 4 of The World Series, embittered billionaire Tom Steyer decided it was time to release his full length ad demanding that President Trump be impeached...

"He"s brought us to the brink of nuclear war, obstructed justice at the FBI, and in violation of the constitution, he has taken money from foreign governments and threatened to shut down news organizations who report the truth.


If that isn"t a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president then what has our government become?



...I"m Tom Steyer, and like you, I"m a citizen who knows it"s up to us to do something.


...this president is a clear and present danger who"s mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons...

As a reminder, President Trump was not impressed with Mr. Steyer during the week...

We note that not one of the players, coaches, ballboys, crowd, or concession workers "took a knee" during the singing of the National Anthem.

Here is the full commercial...

As one would imagine, this stunt received some "feedback" from social media...

But some seemed to appreciate it...

The billionaire environmentalist has also been sharply critical of California Senator Dianne Feinstein, who he considers soft on Trump because she once said he could be “a good President.”

In fact, according to CNN, Steyer is strongly considering a run against Feinstein in California’s primary election next year.

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