Monday, October 2, 2017

House Is Scheduled To Vote On Legislation Regarding The Sales Of Gun Silencers This Week


Although the mass shooting in Las Vegas won’t likely delay the vote scheduled for later this week on the regulation of gun silencers, it could alter the outcome.

A provision called the Hearing Protection Act, tucked into the bipartisan Sportsmen Heritage and Recreational Enhancement, or SHARE Act, would eliminate restrictions on silencers and instead treat them as ordinary firearms. Under the National Firearms Act of 1934, suppressors – along with “destructive devices” such as grenades or rocket launchers, “sawed-off” shotguns and machine guns – require federal registration and a special license to own, as well as a $200 tax stamp to purchase that would also be repealed under the proposed law.  A vote on this law was delayed before….

Remember the last time that this law’s vote was delayed? SHTFPlan remembers.  It was after the shooting of representative Steve Scalise while practicing baseball back in June. But that’s all just a coincidence, right?

The vote was postponed until early September. It passed out of House Committee on Natural Resources on a party-line vote of 22-13 on September 13 and it is expected to see a similar result when put up for a vote in the full House. Democrats in the Senate, however, are expected to block the measure; and they now have a crisis to exploit in order to do so.

Gun control advocates have slammed the measure as a boon to manufacturers of silencers, whose sales has been slumping in recent years. They also point out silencers would make it much more difficult for law enforcement to stop shooters like the one who opened fire on an outdoor music in Las Vegas, killing at least 50 and injuring hundreds of others Sunday night.

“Law enforcement and military experts have told the American people and Congress they oppose this bill, and that there are very effective hearing protection devices already available on the open market,” Kris Brown, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said in a statement after the bill passed out of committee. “Keeping guns out of dangerous hands and stopping school shootings, ambushes of police and other mass shootings before they can start is the priority for the American people – not making it harder to detect a shooting once it starts.” -U.S. News

Hillary Clinton has also already taken the NRA (National Rifle Association) to task and blamed the organization for this shooting.

President Trump made arrangements to go to Las Vegas on Wednesday to show support for those killed in the massacre.

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Author: Mac Slavo
Views: Read by 0 people
Date: October 2nd, 2017

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