Friday, October 6, 2017

Report from Aguadilla, Puerto Rico – Dr. Alison Thompson

Report from Aguadilla, Puerto Rico – Dr. Alison Thompson

By Dr. Alison Thompson on facebook,  Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, 10-5-2017

Bad communications haven’t received a single text or call in 5 days but got a hot spot right now and 1000s of messages emails texts just flooded in so please be patient with me I won’t be able to return people’s messages ( over 200 phone calls too ).

I need to focus on the emergency stuff right now – we finally got 26 pallets of water today – it was going to be taken by an unknown white semi trailer but a US Military general stepped in and saved it for us. Thank you US Military!!

We are focusing on north west water distribution today – The damn is broken out of Quebradillas. It’s going to take months to fix it – that is the water supply which feeds to five major towns and everywhere around the northwest so water is the real key for this region – the two hospitals and clinics have been desperate for water. We are going to try and help keep their water stocked – it’s very important for all of us to focus on the hospitals around Puerto Rico because without power everywhere is in the dark – we need to keep those generators going and the water flowing etc.

The power in most areas is so badly damaged it will be months before it is up – solar lights are so needed and we have had a big call out for insulin/ dry ice / oxygen tanks.

So much to report but I have to go – I’m sorry I can’t answer all your messages – I’ll try to answer your messages. I only have a few minutes before we get water out as communities have been desperate all over. Tonight we will light up a town with [solar] lights.

Warehouse space is available, but there’s not much to put in it yet.

Oath Keepers are providing security for Dr. Thompson and her team from Third Wave Volunteers. We are also helping with water and food distribution, clearing roads for inaccsessible communities, and whatever else needs to be done.


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