Friday, October 20, 2017

Draining The Swamp – Part 2

(Draining The Swamp – Part 1)

As I continue on my series about Draining the Swamp, we can celebrate some successes. The NFL is reeling, hurt by plummeting ticket sales and TV viewership. Many thousands of fans are disgusted by the players, coaches and staff kneeling during the National Anthem and have abandoned the NFL games. If you insult your fans, you will pay the consequences. Of course, they blame the fans instead of themselves, but that is how out of touch these Social Justice Warriors are from reality.

On today, there is an article titled: George W. Bush Emerges to Bash Trump, ‘Nativism’: ‘We Cannot Wish Globalism Away’. In a speech at his own Institute, George W. Bush said, according to

The former president defended the ideas of globalism, free trade, and free markets as well as foreign interventionism around the world in a speech at the George W. Bush Institute.

“We cannot wish globalism away,” Bush said, noting that the United States must sustain “wise and sustained global engagement” for the future of the country.

Make no mistake, George W. Bush is a committed globalist. He speaks of Free Trade, but it doesn’t take hundreds of pages of documents to have Free Trade. No, the Free Trade policies of the globalists have nothing to do with Free Trade. They are agreements stacked against the interests of the US. Period.

“We’ve seen a return of isolationist sentiments forgetting that American security is directly threatened by the chaos and despair of distant places,” he warned.

Bush urged Americans to “recover our own identity,” citing a commitment to global engagement, free and international trade, and immigration.

“We’ve seen nationalism distorted into nativism, and forgotten the dynamism that immigration has always brought to America,” he lamented.

George Soros, David Rockefeller, Hillary Clinton, or Henry Kissinger could not have stated the globalist ideology any better than George W. Bush. “Natavism”? What does he mean by that? It is a new pejorative for those who stand for America; its Constitution, its culture and its ideals. Remember, they are “internationalists” not nationalists. They represent the “global community”, not America.

Globalists, such as George W, Bush, along with their Social Justice Warriors, their “snowflake” intellectuals, and their hypocritical, Hollywood perverts, seek the destruction of our culture, and our Constitution. Our Republic is in their sights, and they mean to destroy it.

So, how do we combat them? By the power of the purse, and the power of the light shining on the darkness they promote.

In Catalonia, where the Catalans seek independence from Spain, and the Spanish government is threatening them, the Catalan separatists are calling for people to withdraw money from Banks.

Bank Run Imminent: Catalan Separatists Urge Supporters To Pull Cash From ATMs On Friday Morning

In a tweeted message to their 270,000 followers, Assemblea Nacional urged supporters to pull cash from CaixaBank and Banco Sabadell branches between 8 am and 9am Friday to protest at their decision to shift their legal domiciles out of the region..

Should many people join in this effort, the fragile Spanish banking system would be in deep trouble. The power of the purse.

Project Veritas is shining the light on the darkness and deception of the New York Times, in a video series titled American Pravda – NYT, where it shows the so-called “unbiased, paper of record” leaning far to the left, and being totally biased.

ESPN is suffering huge subscription cancellations because of its leftist politicization of sports. Fox, CBS and any network connected to airing the NFL is seeing massive drops in viewership.

Globalism has many tentacles, but the power of the purse, and the light shining on the darkness is undeniable. Ask Harvey Weinstein, or Anthony Weiner. Ask ESPN and the NFL. Ask Target and Kellogg’s. It is We The People who hold the power, if we would only use it. We can simply say “no” to globalism, if we choose.

The post Draining The Swamp – Part 2 appeared first on Oath Keepers.

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