Tuesday, October 17, 2017

NFL to Bankroll Social Justice Warrior “Boot Camp”

The NFL just can’t stop shooting itself in the foot.

According to ESPN, the NFL has agreed to fund a ‘social activism boot camp’ for pro athletes.

Daily Caller reports:

“The league has agreed to finance a social activism boot camp at Morehouse College in February,” ESPN’s Jim Trotter reported on Monday.

The boot camp will reportedly take place over two days and will include professional athletes from other leagues besides the NFL. “And then, the organizers of that curriculum will work with the players throughout the year to try and teach them to get their message out and be most effective with it,” Trotter added.

The NFL has also reportedly agreed to back criminal justice reform legislation recently introduced by a bipartisan group of senators.

Of course the “social activism” will be of the Far Left variety. I highly doubt the “boot camp” will include discussions on the US Constitution.

The NFL thinks we care about their “social activism”. We don’t. In fact, as evidenced by the empty seats in stadiums and declining TV viewership, a sizeable number of their former fans are choosing to kiss the NFL goodbye. Former fans are spending their money, and time, elsewhere. The spoiled brats of the NFL have pissed off their fan bases, and will find it very hard to be forgiven; if they ever are. Promoting a “social activism boot camp” is just another slap in the face to Americans everywhere. Goodbye, NFL. We are not interested in being preached to by a bunch of overpaid, spoiled whiners. Wallow in your “social activism”. We, the American people, have better things to do with our time and money.

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