Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Here’s the Secret to Seeing the Big Picture Today (VIDEO)


It is in our nature as humans to concern ourselves with the immediate things that surround us first. These things which we deal with every day, the things we touch, feel and interact with as well as those relevant things which seem to directly and immediately effect us every day because they are so apparent to us thus take preeminence over other things. Because we as humans are easily lured into focusing on these immediate realities that surround us, the globalists-Communists have capitalized on these factors to divide humanity to the benefit of their new world order end game agenda.

The globalist agenda has succeeded in America because these immediately apparent factors in our lives are the fuel which drives their divisive Cultural Marxist agenda including political correctness, identity politics, multiculturalism and victimhood which tends to breed compiling anger and hatred for the perceived culprits of these often contemplated and often even imagined injustices and victimizations. All of this being described is the polar opposite of stepping back and seeing the big picture outside of your personal selfish perspective and outside of the divisive identity-based politics and perspectives pushed by today’s Cultural Marxist globalists which include many Democratic-Progressive politicians, Hollywood, the Liberal mainstream media and most important the deep state that is operating today’s ongoing coup d’etat against America.

This week we review simple truth about how to stay focused on the big picture today and we discuss important current topics that are effecting us all as the march for global governance continues.

Here’s the Secret to Seeing the Big Picture Today-

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