Wednesday, October 18, 2017

North Korea Warns: ‘Nuclear War May Break Out Any Moment’

North Korea Warns: ‘Nuclear War May Break Out Any Moment’

NEW YORK — The Korean peninsula has “has reached the touch-and-go point and a nuclear war may break out any moment,” North Korea’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations says.

“The entire U.S. mainland is within our firing range and if the U.S. dares to invade our sacred territory even an inch it will not escape our severe punishment in any part of the globe,” Kim In Ryong claimed.

The deputy ambassador described his country, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) as “a responsible nuclear state,” The National Post reported.

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“As long as one does not take part in the U.S. military actions against the DPRK, we have no intention to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against any other country,” Kim said in the speech this week at the U.N. in New York.

North Korea has completed its “state nuclear force and thus” has become “the full-fledged nuclear power which possesses the delivery means of various ranges, including the atomic bomb, H-bomb and intercontinental ballistic rockets,” Kim boasted.

The Independent reported that Kim’s remarks were prompted by large-scale U.S. and South Korean exercises.

“Unless the hostile policy and the nuclear threat of the U.S. is thoroughly eradicated, we will never put our nuclear weapons and ballistic rockets on the negotiating table under any circumstances,” Kim said.

The U.S. is planning a “secret operation aimed at the removal of our supreme leadership,” Kim claimed.

Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said earlier this week that “diplomatic efforts” with North Korea “will continue until the first bomb drops.” He made his comments on CNN’s State of the Union program.

“I think in North Korea we have completely unified the international community, including North Korea’s previously closest allies are allied with us,” Tillerson said. “I think that’s a significant achievement from a foreign policy standpoint for this president.”

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