Monday, October 2, 2017

What We Know About The Las Vegas Shooter And Why What We Don’t Know Matters


There are still few details about the man who allegedly participated in the worst mass shooting in modern United States history. But the few things we don’t know could also be very telling.

According to Zerohedge, the gunman responsible for the worst mass shooting in modern US history is believed to be a grandfather who lived in a remote desert home. Stephen Paddock, 64, was named by police as the perpetrator who left more than 50 dead. He was killed when officers blasted their way into his hotel room. Las Vegas police said they had located “numerous firearms within the room that he occupied.” Las Vegas Sheriff Lombardo said officers had confronted Paddock on the 32nd floor across the street from the concert. “There were at least 8 guns and a number of long rifles in the alleged shooter’s room”, per Las Vegas Police Undersheriff Kevin McMahill.

In the latest police update, Las Vegas undersheriff Kevin McMahill confirmed that Stephen Paddock died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound as police made entry to his Las Vegas hotel room. He also confirmed that Paddock, who is believed to have checked into the hotel on Thursday, had more than 10 guns and a substantial amount of ammunition. But how did a 64-year-old man get all that to the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel without any video of him at all? Casinos and their hotels are usually covered in security cameras, but perhaps the video has just not been released to the public yet.

Former Las Vegas police officer Randy Sutton told CBS News, “The fact that this individual had that amount of firepower in that room indicates that he didn’t bring all of that up in one trip, and he certainly didn’t have the bellman bring that up. Having been there for three days, he had the time to bring [his firearms] up, probably in luggage or a golf bag or something of that nature.”

Reports also claim that Paddock was a “lone wolf.” Yet when looking at the Mandalay Bay, two windows that were impossible to open were broken to allow for one man to cause so much devastation. There is not yet a report that explains how the windows were broken or why there are two.


The unanswered questions are already causing others to be concerned about the massive amounts of conflicting informtion, and the possibility that this could be a false flag event.

Of course, information does tend to unfold quickly and others say we simply need to wait for the correct information to deter skepticism and we always have conflicting reports early.

At this stage, Paddock does not have any known ties to terrorist organization and no motive has been put forward. When asked by a reporter if it was an act of terrorism, Sheriff Lombardo said: “No, not at this point. We believe it was a local individual. He resides here locally.

“I’m not at liberty to give you his place of residence yet, because it’s an ongoing investigation, we don’t know what his belief system was at this time. … Right now we believe he is the sole aggressor at this point and the scene is static.”

NBC reports that he was. But public records do not show any criminal convictions for Paddock in Nevada. Mesquite Police told CBS News that he was not known to them, and that he lived in a retirement community, is a white male and wasn’t a military veteran. He was not believed to be connected to any militant group, Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo told reporters.

“We have no idea what his belief system was,” Lombardo said. “We’ve located numerous firearms within the room that he occupied.” –Zerohedge

Perhaps the most worrisome issue with this incident happened before the shooting took place.  According to multiple reports, approximately 45 minutes before the shooting, a woman described as “Hispanic,” accompanied by a man, had been heard telling concert attendees, “They’re all around… You’re all going to f***ing die today.” Witness Breanna Hendricks, who was in Vegas celebrating her 21st birthday, said, “There was a lady who came running up behind us in the concert and she started to play with people’s hair acting crazy and she told us that we’re all going to f***ing die.”

Hopefully, as more information comes out the questions can be laid to rest.  Thoughts and prayers are with those injured and the families of those who lost their lives in this senseless act of violence.

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Author: Mac Slavo
Views: Read by 1 people
Date: October 2nd, 2017

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