Saturday, September 9, 2017

9 million people expected to be without power in Florida following storm

fplAs part of our long-standing tradition of assisting other electric companies during large-scale power outages, FirstEnergy utilities have sent 390 linemen, damage assessors, forestry crews and support personnel to Lake City, Florida, to help Florida Power & Light with restoration efforts following Hurricane Matthew. (FirstEnergy Corp./Flickr)

RIVERA BEACH (INTELLIHUB) — Florida Power & Light expects 9 million people in the State of Florida to be without power, about 4.5 million customers, following Hurricane Irma which is expected to wreak havoc after it makes landfall early Sunday.

A utility spokesperson told CBS Miami that nuclear power plants in the storm’s path would be shut down while gas power plants will continue to operate until they no longer can.

It is rumored that power may be out in areas for weeks or even months.

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