Thursday, September 7, 2017

What Really Is 5G About?

By Catherine J. Frompovich

After my article “Is This What You Want Outside Your Bedroom Window” appeared, one of the EMF researchers, whom I network with, emailed comments, which I have permission to share with readers.  The researcher wants to remain anonymous, which I respect, but was a former military radar specialist and also worked as a radiology specialist in hospitals, so he knows more about EMFs/RFs than most of us.  Here are his comments to consider.

5G is serious stuff. We are living in very serious times. And no one seems to know, or wants to know, just how serious a price we have to pay for all our wireless tech addictions.  I know from personal experience that 99.9% of Americans do not even know what “G” stands for, nor do they know anything about the scientifically- proven lethal radiation emitted from their children’s phones and  Wi-Fi.  [“G” stands for generation of power.]

The Elana Freeland video  in your article is a must-see!  YouTube is literally now exploding with warnings on 5G and pulsed microwave wireless harms, which the Mainstream Media have on total lockdown. This is 11:59:59 of the 11th Hour.

The very fact our Government is forcefully rolling this weaponized military grade program out with zero concern for safety, regardless of the ever-increasing decades-old “Mt. Everest-size” peer reviewed Science, should finally, once and for all, reveal to Americans what a lie they have been living for virtually all of their lives!  “Virtual” lives are truly what we have been living.  Clearly the “powers that be” have deemed us flesh-and-blood-Americans not so important and quite expeditiously expendable. We must really be a serious threat to the controlling elites to require such powerful lethal doses of constant microwave radiation!

Note:  The jury is still out in regard to 5G mm [millimeter] waves “not traveling far” and “not penetrating walls”.  I personally see this as a distraction tactic in order to lull us in to accepting so many transmitters on every street!

Do some research and you will see exploding evidence on YouTube with good documentation from Military applications of how 90-95 Ghz mm wave technology is used to look right through walls with High Definition quality!  TSA scanners use it to see right through your clothing and luggage, just like x-rays, at airport security!

Elana elaborates in her video just how it will be used to see everything in your home in real time high-definition.  Does that sound like a radiation that will not travel far or penetrate well? The radiation from doing that to you in your home (or on the street) can, of course, give you cancer and other diseases over time — ESPECIALLY FROM CONCENTRATED DIRECTIONAL MICROWAVE BEAMS.

One thing no one ever talks about is the fact that they can, and do, PIGGYBACK various ranges of RF for better distance of travel and penetration.  Of course, piggybacking frequencies means MORE human cell damaging, immune suppressing, and disease causing radiation exposures to all of us targets and human guinea pigs.

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