Thursday, September 7, 2017

BBC Promotes Putting Lithium in Drinking Water to Combat Dementia

By Aaron Kesel

Researchers in Denmark believe that we should add lithium to drinking water because studies show it may reduce dementia.

You simply can’t make this up. Adding fluoride, a neurotoxin, according to The Lancet medical journal, to our water isn’t enough.

The BBC reported that a study, at the University of Copenhagen, looked at the medical records of 73,731 Danish people with dementia and 733,653 without the mental disease.

They then tested the tap water in 151 areas of the country and some how these “experts” came to the conclusion that lithium, which is an alkaline metal, is good for the brain’s health at certain concentrations to prevent dementia.

The results, published in JAMA Psychiatry, alleged to show moderate lithium levels (between 5.1 and 10 micrograms per litre) increased the risk of dementia by 22% compared with low levels (below five micrograms per litre).

However, the article continues to say that the scientists found “drinking water with the highest lithium levels (above 15 micrograms per litre) had a 17% reduction in risk.”

The researchers said:

This is the first study, to our knowledge, to investigate the association between lithium in drinking water and the incidence of dementia.

Higher long-term lithium exposure from drinking water may be associated with a lower incidence of dementia.

What’s failed to be mentioned in the article is that lithium is used as an additive to extend the life and performance of alkaline batteries and in autogenous welding and brass welding, as well as having well-known harmful long-term side effects.

Lentech listed the risk of lithium exposure, especially noting the inhaling/ingestion of lithium:

Effects of exposure to Lithium: Fire: Flammable. Many reactions may cause fire or explosion. Gives off irritating or toxic fumes (or gases) in a fire. Explosion: Risk of fire and explosion on contact with combustible substances and water. Inhalation: Burning sensation. Cough. Laboured breathing. Shortness of breath. Sore throat. Symptoms may be delayed. Skin: Redness. Skin burns. Pain. Blisters. Eyes: Redness. Pain. Severe deep burns. Ingestion: Abdominal cramps. Abdominal pain. Burning sensation. Nausea. Shock or collapse. Vomiting. Weakness.

Effects of short-term exposure: The substance is corrosive to the eyes, the skin and the respiratory tract. Corrosive on ingestion. Inhalation of the substance may cause lung oedema. The symptoms of lung oedema often do not become manifest until a few hours have passed and they are aggravated by physical effort. Rest and medical observation is therefore essential. Immediate administration of an appropriate spray, by a doctor or a person authorized by him/her, should be considered.

This comes after the Environmental Working Group, an environment watchdog, released a searchable database of all the harmful chemicals in our drinking water and surprise, surprise lithium was included in that list.

The group noted that “ingesting too much lithium can lead to symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.”

Still, the medical community wants to try to push adding lithium to our water because they believe it will help depression. There is no better word to describe such an idea other than insanity.

“In high doses, or even at low doses in some people, lithium can be toxic, so it is important that people consult with their doctor before they consider taking it as a supplement,” James Pickett, of the Alzheimer’s Society charity told New Scientist.

He’s exactly right; everyone’s body has a different chemical make-up, which is why you shouldn’t put foreign chemicals into your body because no person’s body reacts the same.

Lithium was also included in early recipes of the soda 7UP but was not included in the final product.

Another study found that “exposure to lithium via drinking water and other environmental sources may affect the thyroid function,” stressing the need to screen water for lithium.

Aaron Kesel writes for Activist Post and is Director of Content for Coinivore. Follow Aaron at Twitter and Steemit.

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