Monday, September 4, 2017

Keep Your Eye On Hurricane Irma

As Texas is surviving the floods and devastation from Hurricane Harvey, a new hurricane is threatening Florida and the Atlantic coast from Florida to North Carolina. Below are two videos showing two computer models of the projected path of hurricane Irma. It is still too early to predict with high accuracy its path, but both models have it aiming for either a Florida landfall, or skirting the coast of Florida and making landfall in South Carolina.It is also projected to be a Category 4 hurricane, with its rainfall bands extending to a radius of 140 miles from the eye. If it doesn’t weaken, or turn to the east, this could be a very major storm.

Everyone living in those areas needs to pay attention, as the landfall is expected to be made by 9-11. Get your preps in order, and those in low-lying areas should make plans to evacuate, but most importantly, to get prepared, and pay attention to Hurricane Irma.

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