Thursday, September 28, 2017

Catalan Police Ordered To Close And Occupy Polling Stations In Catalonia To Stop Vote Going Ahead

This article comes from

The Catalan Police (Mossos) have been ordered by the Public Prosecutor’s Office to close and occupy all premises that will or might be used as polling stations in the region to prevent them from being used for Sunday’s independence referendum vote, suspended by the Constitutional Court.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office confirmed to The Spain Report on Wednesday morning that the document and the orders it contains were genuine.

Officers must close and cordon off the centres until 9 p.m. on Sunday evening and make it clear that the police cordon is not to be broken, warning people they are liable to criminal prosecution if they do so.

They have been ordered to remove anyone already in the polling stations, and seize any items being used for the vote, “especially ballot boxes, computers, ballot papers and election documents and propaganda”.

They may repeat the removals and seizures if people try to break the police line during the day.

The cordons and closures must be in place by Saturday, September 30.

Read more here.

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