Friday, September 15, 2017

Former CIA Director Resigns From Harvard After Chelsea Manning Named Visiting Fellow

According to her Wikipedia page, Chelsea Manning spent 1 semester studying History and English at Montgomery Community College in Maryland but dropped out after failing her first final.  She got her first job with a software company called Zoto, but was fired after 4 months because her boss said she would "just lock up and simply sit and stare."  Manning then served a short stint at Incredible Pizza before joining the army, stealing a bunch of classified documents, leaking them to WikiLeaks, getting convicted of espionage and serving 7 years in prison. Of course, with an impressive resume like that, Harvard"s John F. Kennedy School of Government simply had to have her.

That said, while securing a visiting fellow position at Harvard was just the natural progression of what has been an already illustrious career for Manning, not everyone agrees with Harvard"s most recent staffing decisions. 

As Fox News points out, Former CIA Acting Director Michael Morell announced his resignation earlier today as senior fellow saying he couldn"t be associated with an organization "that honors a convicted felon and leaker of classified information."

Morell, a former CIA deputy director who twice served as acting director, announced his resignation from Harvard"s Belfer Center was a result of Manning"s appointment, saying he couldn"t be part of an organization "that honors convicted felon and leaker of classified information."

"Senior leaders in our military have stated publicly that the leaks by Ms. Manning put the lives of U.S. soldiers at risk," Morell said. "I have an obligation in my conscience -- and I believe to the country -- to stand against any efforts to justify leaks of sensitive national security information."


Here is Morell"s full statement:

Meanwhile, according Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, Morell could be just one of many Harvard educators about to announce their exits.

Not surprisingly, the Twittersphere has been flooded throughout the day with tweets of utter confusion regarding Harvard"s announcment...

...but Chelsea has only responded to one...

...poor Spicy just can"t catch a break.

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