Tuesday, August 15, 2017

NavyJack – Charlottesville: Citizens Behaving as Needed to Impose the Globalist/Billionaire Agenda

NavyJack – Charlottesville: Citizens Behaving as Needed to Impose the Globalist/Billionaire Agenda

The events last Saturday in Charlottesville were tragic on many levels. First, a 32 year old woman was killed in the mayhem. I am not going to reinforce any of the wild speculation of the MSM or social media regarding the motives of the driver of the vehicle responsible. Instead, I will wait to see what the investigation uncovers. Second, two Virginia State Police officers were killed when their helicopter crashed in an accident that does not appear to have any direct correlation to the rally and protests.

Everyone that reads my articles and follows me on twitter knows that I do not condone any form of racism, including the separatist arguments of the white-nationalists. With that being said the #UniteTheRight event was provided with a permit from the city. I am fully aware of the ACLU involvement at the last minute to get their permit restored after having been cancelled by the Charlottesville Mayor. The permit created an obligation by the city to protect the rally participants. The city failed to meet that obligation. All conspiracy theories aside, the city police, the State police and the National Guard did have more than sufficient numbers and the right equipment to have met their obligations. That they failed to do so is obvious.

Beside the tragic deaths, the other significant outcomes of Saturday’s rally/protest include the following:

  1. President Trump has reacquired the label of being a racist and racist sympathizer.

  2. Confederate Civil War Monuments are being dismantled as fast as the mobs and city councils can assemble to take them down.

  3. Antifa and Black Lives Matter activists are gearing up for payback.

  4. The label “alt-right” is dead; and any hope of the white nationalists and neo-Nazis to become accepted into the conservative political movement via their #UniteTheRight efforts are gone forever.

  5. George Soros had the best birthday present possible watching citizens tear our nation apart on live TV.

I have long known that the political labels of Republican and Democrat have no meaning to the elite in my home town of Washington, DC. These labels are merely a way of dividing up the serfs by the oligarchy. The elite in Washington know that the more agitated we are with the antics of the opposing political party, the more money we are willing to cough up to fill their campaign slush funds. Civil unrest is the best money maker since Global Warming for the Washington DC elite.

Unless you live under a rock, everyone knows that what we serfs label as the political left are financed by wealthy Billionaire Globalists, like George Soros. This includes the leadership and materials needed to field groups like RefuseFascism, La Raza, The Revolutionary Communist Party and Black Lives Matter. I have covered these relationships in-depth in my previous articles. What you may not know is that the antics of the political right are also being funded by wealthy Billionaires.

I first became suspicious when preparing the security plan for the initial Boston Free Speech Rally a few months back. Working with the Deputy Police Commissioner in Boston to determine their plans and the conditions of the permit I learned about the background of the event organizer, which was well known to the Boston PD. I will leave his name out of this article, but what I learned is that this individual was a very senior Occupy leader. I spoke with him personally and the heebie-jeebies never really went away.  He was being supported by a group of teens promoting the event on Reddit, 4Chan and /pol/. This was also my first experience with a revolutionary white nationalist by the name of Augustus Invictus. At the time, I had no idea what his political ideology was, but I was assured by the event organizer that he was merely a Trump supporter and not associated with the white nationalist cause. By the time I found out that I had been misled, the event was underway. Lesson learned.

This Augustus Invictus seemed to be popping up everywhere in the weeks following. He also seems to be directly associated with events where fake Antifa threats were being made (like the fake Antifa sites/threats made prior to the Boston Free Speech Rally). He was associated with various events in Gettysburg and Houston, plagued with threats from fake Antifa websites all eventually tracked down to “alt-right” trolls on Reddit, 4Chan and /pol/.  He also weaseled his way into the ACT America Orlando rally.

When I started to review the evolving situation in Charlottesville, a city that has seen dozens of white nationalist and KKK protests ever since the announcement that the Robert E. Lee Monument would be removed from what was “Lee Park”, now “Emancipation Park”; I learned about a Mr. Jason Kessler, the organizer of the protests. Mr. Kessler not only was leading the effort to stop the removal of the Lee Monument; he was also leading the effort to organize the #UniteTheRight Rally. The event was promoted as a rally to bring the white nationalists and neo-Nazis together with more mainstream conservative “alt-light” individuals unified against the left. What was odd is that the list of rally speakers was decidedly oriented toward the most hardcore racist elements.

Once again, Augustus Invictus was listed as one of the main speakers. Looking deeper into Mr. Kessler, I found that he, like the event organizer in Boston, was apparently a former Occupy supporter. Coincidence? Maybe; maybe not.

I began to suspect that like the La Raza, Black Lives Matter, RefuseFascism and Antifa movements, there was a hidden hand guiding the rise of the white nationalists and neo-Nazis. What I discovered is that Billionaires, including William Regnery II and Palmer Luckey were deeply involved. Mr. Regnery was funding two white nationalist organizations; the first was the secretive Charles Martel Society, and the other was the National Policy Institute; nerve center of the alt-right movement. Mr. Luckey, became a Billionaire at the age of 24 by selling his company, Oculus, to Facebook for $2B. He then used his windfall to fuel the Reddit meme wars leading to the merger of the “alt-right” with the supporters of then Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

When you trace the hundreds of thousands of dollars poured into the rise of Charles Martel Society, Occidental Quarterly, Occidental Dissent, the National Policy Institute and other white nationalist organizations leading to the merger of the Trump movement with what would become the “alt-right” a picture emerges of intense manipulation of the political messaging and a strategy to leverage the rise of the Globalist financed Antifa by creating a counter-Antifa movement. An effort clearly designed to create the exact explosive mix witnessed last Saturday in Charlottesville, VA. Tracing the activities and messaging of both Occidental Quarterly/ Dissent the opposition to the removal of Civil War monuments was clearly the rallying cry for the merger of the white nationalists, neo-Nazis, the KKK and the more moderate “red state” conservatives.  The Civil War Monument rallying cry pitted the most violent Billionaire financed groups against each other for what would result in the events of last Saturday.

I always wondered how Black Lives Matter and the Antifa become so interested in the removal of these harmless Civil War monuments. Black Lives Matter had previously been focused on protesting police and leveling claims of excessive use of force against blacks. Antifa had been singularly focused on demonizing President Trump and his supporters. The sudden shift to demanding the removal of Civil War monuments always seemed an odd choice for both organizations. I do not believe this sudden shift was a coincidence.

In the back of my consciousness, I always knew Globalist/Billionaire guiding hands were present. I documented my suspicions in an article reviewing the very first melee between the Antifa (George Soros bus people) and the supporters of Richard Spencer at the National Policy Institute meeting immediately following the election of Donald Trump. I knew that melee was staged at the time and I stated it at the time. I just did not know that the Globalists/Billionaires did not really care about the left/right or Republican/Democrat labels that we serfs hold onto so dearly.

The Globalists/Billionaires are executing a Purple Revolution, much the same as the Orange/EuroMaidan Revolutions in the Ukraine or the Arab Spring but this time right here in the United States. A revolution that is designed to remove Donald Trump from office and restore Globalist/Billionaire dominion over us serfs through succession to one of their staunchest allies; a man who has championed every Globalist initiative for the past 20 years, including the TPP, TISA, TTIP, TPA and NAFTA. I will let you figure out who this successor is on your own. In my next article I will further document the deep relationships between the Globalists/Billionaires on the “left” and the “right” and reveal the strategy of how the succession will take place.

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