Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Antifa Thugs Attack Peaceful Right-Wing Demonstrators

Antifa Thugs Attack Peaceful Right-Wing Demonstrators | antifa-thugs-attack-peaceful-protesters | Protestors & Activists US News [image: Demonstrator Joey Gibson, second from left, is chased by anti-fascists during a free-speech rally Aug. 27 in Berkeley, Calif. (credit: Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP)]Extremism of any kind is unacceptable for any reasons, especially when violent, what’s all too commonplace in America.

On Sunday, the latest incident occurred in Berkeley, CA, normally a peaceful city, home to UC Berkeley’s campus, noted for student activism.

In the 1960s, anti-war and civil rights activists inspired Berkeley’s Free Speech Movement (FSM), beginning in 1964. UC Berkeley students protested against banned on-campus political activity.

They demanded academic and free expression rights. Unprecedented student activism followed.

Here’s how the Washington Post explained what happened on Sunday. Headlining “Black-clad antifa members attack peaceful right-wing demonstrators in Berkeley,” it said:

“Their faces hidden behind black bandannas and hoodies, about 100 anarchists and antifa— “anti-fascist” — members barreled into a protest Sunday afternoon in Berkeley’s Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park.”

“Jumping over plastic and concrete barriers, the group melted into a larger crowd of around 2,000 that had marched peacefully throughout the sunny afternoon for a “Rally Against Hate’ gathering.”

Violence erupted. Antifa extremists attacked peaceful pro-Trump marchers, beating and throwing bottles at them, screaming “Fascists go home” while police stood down.

One person on the scene tweeted “Berkeley was a set up. The police said they would protect the attendees and did nothing. Total stand down like Charlottesville.”

Another tweeted “(p)olice have completely disappeared from #Berkeley. People getting beaten up. Red flags being waved in the air.”

At least two people were hospitalized, over a dozen arrests made on charges ranging from assault with a deadly weapon, obstructing police, and city code violations.

Who was arrested with police failing to confront Antifa thugs? They’re polar opposite progressive left wing activists, supporting peace, equity and justice, deploring violence in all forms.

Who’s supporting extremist hordes unleashed to commit violence and chaos? Anyone showing up mask-clad with implements for troublemaking can easily manufacture it.

So-called anti-fascist elements appear part of a diabolical plot to oust a sitting president.

The more violence they incite, the easier it is to blame Trump for what’s happening. He warrants plenty of criticism for his deplorable policies, not for what others do opposing him.

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