Monday, August 14, 2017

Bunkerville Retrial Update – Monday, 8-14-17

Bunkerville retrial court update, Monday morning August 14. The speakers are John Lamb and Andrea Parker, wife of defendant Eric Parker.

This is in front of the Federal Courthouse, Las Vegas, Nevada,  the Bunkerville “retrial” of Eric Parker, Scott Drexler, Steven Stewart and Ricky Lovelain. All witnesses for the defense have been disallowed. Eric Parker’s testimony was terminated by the judge after just a few minutes on Thursday.

The prosecution has filed a motion for sanctions against Bunkerville defendants Parker, Drexler, Stewart and their attorneys, dated Sunday, August 13.

Please, help us get information on this trial out. Post articles. Share articles. The mainstream media is ignoring this trial! Besides serious concerns for the men on trial, this could set a legal precedent of defendants not being allowed to defend themselves!


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