Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Stefan Molyneux on Charlottesville

The tragedy that was Charlottesville, in my opinion, needn’t have happened. The fact that the police presence was removed, and two extreme factions who hate each other viciously, were allowed to go at each other, resulted in the death of a young lady, and injuries to many.

Free speech must be defended. The Nazis (who, by the way, are collectivists) must be allowed to have their say, just as the Communists (who, of course are collectivists), must be allowed to have their say. It doesn’t matter if you like what is being said. A Communist calling me a Nazi, for instance, means nothing, if there is no proof. It is a futile attempt by someone incapable of any sound reasoning.

I don’t like what either side in Charlottesville had to say, (both sides are idiots. Their slogans are empty,), but I will let them speak. I don’t have to listen, or be at all concerned with what they say, or I may wish to engage them in debate. It is my choice. The Constitution guarantees free speech. If I deny it for others, they can deny it for me. Violence is the result of people who can’t reason. It is justified only as a response to aggression.

For those who might think I am a pacifist, I beg to differ. I will defend myself, my family and friends, and my neighbors against aggression. Period. But I will use reason first.

Shorty Dawkins

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