Thursday, July 6, 2017

Chief Flynn Excuses Failure of Law to Hold Criminals Accountable by Lowering Bar for Citizen Disarmament

Chief Flynn’s enthusiasm for gun owner control hardly seems consistent with the oath he took. (WISN 12 News YouTube screenshot)

“Wisconsin Police Chief dismantles gun lobby-backed law that lets criminals carry concealed guns,” #ResistTheGunLobby claims. “In a new video, Now This highlights Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn’s struggle to protect his community as a result of a gun lobby-backed law that lets criminals with multiple misdemeanors carry loaded, concealed guns in public.”

Before we get into this further, let’s look at how twisted up these people get everything just as a matter of course. Corroborating the truism that for “progressives,” every day is Opposite Day, it should come as no surprise that the #Resist hashtag is invariably used by those advocating for a state monopoly of violence. What they’re resisting is the true egalitarian power sharing that can only be achieved through an armed citizenry.  You know, freedom.

And that’s not surprising, because #ResistTheGunLobby is a subsidiary effort of Mark Kelly’s and Gabby Giffords’ Opposite Day-named Americans for Responsible Solutions. Seeing that citizen disarmament is neither American nor responsible, it figures an Astroturf operation would disparage populist efforts by citizens banding together to petition for redress of grievances.  As Jeff Knox of The Firearms Coalition reminds the elitist press:

“Let me make something perfectly clear: The NRA is not the Gun Lobby. Neither is the NSSF, nor the GOA, nor even The Firearms Coalition, nor the hundreds of grassroots and activist organizations or the thousands of local gun clubs. I am the Gun Lobby. Whenever you talk about the Gun Lobby, you are talking about me.”

That’s who Mark and Gun-Grabby Gabby are really resisting. So it’s no surprise they would pick an oath-breaking political appointee as their voice of experience. Economist and author Thomas Sowell wrote a perceptive comparison between Chief Flynn and Milwaukee Country Sheriff David Clarke, noting:

“Chief Flynn puts less emphasis on aggressive police action and more on community outreach and gun control. Sheriff David Clarke represents an opposite tradition, in which the job of the police is to enforce the law, as forcefully as necessary, not to make excuses for law-breaking or to ease up on enforcing the law, in hopes that this will mollify rioters. Sheriff Clarke would also like to see law-abiding blacks be armed.”

Flynn’s emphasis is evident in the video ARS features, in which he almost sounds like he knows what he‘s talking about to those who don’t know how to read between the lines. He starts out by talking about rights for “the law-abiding.” That’s meant to sound “reasonable” and “common sense,” and make a mainstream audience receptive to what he says next, which is anything but:

“Now in Milwaukee, the overwhelming majority of our arrested felons plead guilty to misdemeanors – they get a plea bargain,” Flynn admits. “And I get it, the system’s overwhelmed with arrests. But the problem is, when they passed the law in Wisconsin, they only said convicted felons can’t qualify for a gun permit, so I’ve got armed career criminals with concealed permits guarding drug dealers – we call them ‘human holsters.’ They’re sitting in their car with three felons and they’re carrying three guns. Okay? That’s a crazy law … It’s an irresponsible law passed by irresponsible legislatures who are more interested in ideological points and I’d sure as hell like some more community outrage about that because that’s what’s driving the violence in this city and too many public officials are silent on it.”

In other words, because Milwaukee won’t hold criminals accountable for their actions, the solution is to lower the bar for what it takes to disarm citizens. And attack those who disagree as crazy and irresponsible. Standard gun-grabber M.O…

“Flynn’s reply was completely inaccurate — and, by all accounts, borderline insane,” United States Concealed Carry Association Founder Tim Schmidt observed (as documented on  “As it turns out, I’m not the only one who found Chief Flynn’s statement so far off base as to be almost unbelievable. Mike Crivello, president of the Milwaukee Police Association, retorted:

‘I have never had a conversation with you, Chief, relative to you displaying that we are arresting an overwhelming amount of people, or even one person, who’s committed a crime while carrying a CCW (permit).’”

Leave it to people whose whole existence depends on disinformation and distortion to brag that such a delusional fabrication “dismantles” the “gun lobby.” Or to have as their great example of “resistance” and virtue a uniformed enforcer and a man who wouldn’t keep his vows. It’s small wonder his oath is treated with similar “fidelity.”


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