Wednesday, June 28, 2017

VIDEO: Cop Lies About Smelling Weed, Slams Innocent Student’s Head Into the Pavement


Albany, GA — Llewellyn Glover Jr. became the victim of Albany’s finest last month when an officer claimed to smell weed and then unleashed his fury. After weeks of the department fighting its release, the family has finally obtained dashcam footage of the incident showing the horrid brutality.

“We’re not even allowed to see the tape,” Glover’s father Llewellyn Glover Sr. said of the dashcam earlier this month. “See what transpired, what he actually did to my son. We keep getting pushed off. I’m really upset about that. I really want to know what’s going on.”

Well, we now know why they were hiding it. It shows, without a doubt, that this officer was excessive and outright predatory in every way.

After the incident, Glover’s family filed an excessive force complaint with the department and an investigation was launched. The investigation found that the family was truthful in their accusations.

According to an internal Albany Police report, the investigation found that a deadly force chokehold was also used against Glover — after the cop slammed him on his head.

“When I saw it, I just, I don’t even want to talk about it,” Glover’s father said of the video.

As the video begins, we can hear Officer Jamie Sutton fishing, trying to come up with a reason for the harassment. A few moments into the stop, Sutton then claims to smell weed on the Albany State University student which prompted a search of the vehicle and subsequent assault.

Glover is heard in the video telling the officer that he does not have marijuana in his possession, nor has he ever smoked weed in his vehicle. However, this only served to further anger the tyrant officer.

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The more Glover denied having the weed, the more violent Sutton became. Within seconds, he had the young man in a bear hug and on the ground. He began choking him and accusing Glover of putting the non-existent weed in his mouth.

As the 20-year-old college student continued denying he’d done anything wrong, Sutton then picked him up and slammed him on his head — a move that could’ve killed the young man.

Even after brutally assaulting him, the violent cop continues his attack, choking his innocent victim in a futile pursuit of weed that did not exist.

The video goes on for several more moments as the crazed cops continue to assault the young man. It becomes disturbing to watch as Glover is now crying and begging the cops not to continue hurting him.

“You can’t help em. There’s nothing you can do,” Attorney Julius Collins said. “You just have to watch and feel hopeless, as far as watching your child go through this.”

We now know that that marijuana never existed as the internal affairs investigation found that Sutton was being untruthful when he claimed that he smelled marijuana and saw it in his mouth.

Even if this young man would’ve had this plant, the officer is in no way morally justified in using violence on a man for possessing a plant.

“There’s nothing I can do to ease that for him and it hurts, it hurts a whole lot,” Glover’s mother Arpeja Shorts said.

“He wanted to be a police officer coming out of high school,” Shorts said. However, after being treated like this, it is highly unlikely that he’ll want to join the ranks of a group who assaults people over suspicion of being in possession of a plant.

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To add insult to Glover’s assault and kidnapping, prior to the investigation coming to an end, Sutton was allowed to quietly resign — a move that is typical of cops facing accountability. Once they resign, they become gypsy cops and can move to another town where they could be rehired.

“It truly is shameful that he was allowed to resign and could possibly go somewhere else,” Glover’s mother said. “But, know, because anywhere he goes, if I find out, I will be forwarding that video to that police department, personally if I have to.”

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