Saturday, November 19, 2016

The “Left” Is No Longer Left or Progressive. It Has Been Co-Opted


An effective form of suppression and control is the co-optation of the so-called “progressive left” in such a way that self-described “progressives” or “leftists” find themselves unwittingly supporting terrorism.

Well-documented facts pertaining to the 9/11 wars, all supported by sustainable evidence, have barely made inroads into the collective consciousness of Western media consumers. Despite the presence of five years of sustainable evidence that contradicts the Western narratives, people still believe the “official” lies.

The consensus of ignorance is sustained by what Michel Chossudovsky describes as an “American Inquisition”. Beneath the protection of this psychological operation, the engineered enemy is Islam, and the Global War On Terrorism (GWOT) has become a brand to disguise imperial wars of aggression as “humanitarian”.

Thus, huge sums of public monies are diverted from worthwhile, domestic projects such as healthcare schools and roads, to support a criminal Project for a New American Century (PNAC) that is globalizing death, poverty, and destruction as the U.S led empire tries to impose a unilateral model of control over the world. The U.S is said to be “exceptional”, and therefore the rightful ruler. Manifest Destiny writ large.

Dissent is suppressed within the framework of corporate media monopolies. Predominant narratives are supported by corrupt “NGOs” – totally bereft of objectivity — and intelligence agency “fronts”. Real investigative journalism offering historical context and legitimate evidence are relegated to the fringes, far outside the domain of the broad-based “consensus of misunderstanding.” So-called “progressives” (presumably unwittingly) support Canada’s close relationships with Wahabbi Saudi Arabia, Apartheid Israel, and even the foreign mercenaries currently invading Syria (ie ISIS and al Nursra Front/al Qaeda).

“Progressive” War Propaganda: Deception with a Human Face. Image by Anthony Freda

Some of the more pernicious lies covering the escalating war on Syria include unsubstantiated memes that fit neatly into the propagandists’ toolbox of false representations, and of projecting the West’s crimes onto the victims (Syria and Syrians).

To clarify: the War on Syria is not a “civil” war; the “uprising” was not “democratic”; Assad does not “starve his own people”; Assad, does not “bomb his own people”; Assad is the democratically-elected president of Syria, and not a “brutal dictator”.

Conclusive evidence demonstrates, and has demonstrated for years, that the war is an invasion by Western proxies, which include ISIS and al Qaeda/al Nursra Front, and that there are no “moderates”.

The initial uprisings were marred by armed, foreign-backed criminals, against unarmed, innocent people, unarmed soldiers, and unarmed police. Peaceful grassroots protests were hijacked by these murderous foreign-backed elements (as was the case in Ukraine) – all consistent with “hybrid war” as elaborated by Andrew Korybko. The illegal sanctions imposed by the West – including Canada – coupled with terrorist practices of theft and hoarding of humanitarian aid – are responsible for the starvation.

Claims that Assad “kills his own people” were further debunked when the so-called “Caesar photos” evidence was proven to be a fraud. In fact, many Syrians criticize Assad for not carpet bombing terrorist occupied areas (as US occupiers did in Fallujah, for example). They sometimes refer to Assad as “Mr. Soft Heart”.

The disillusionment of the so-called “left” and “progressives” is exemplified by a piece from the “Socialist Project”: Solidarity With the People of Syria! Build the Antiwar Movement! where journalist Richard Fidler writes,

In that country,[Syria] the rebel cities that rose up four years ago in revolt against the brutal Bashar al- Assad dictatorship are now under a genocidal siege, bombed and assaulted from the air by Assad’s military, aided and abetted by Russian fighter jets and bombers. Their desperate fight for survival, if unsuccessful, will put paid to the Arab Spring and with it the potential for building a democratic, anti-imperialist governmental alternative in the Middle East for an extended period to come. Socialists everywhere have every interest in supporting the Syrian people and opposing that war.

This inversion of the well-documented truth is commonly accepted by so-called “progressives” and “leftists”. Thus, a firm foundation of lies that serves as a sanctified justification for global war and terror, remains strong.

The taboos need to be lifted, and the repeated lies contradicted.

We need to shatter the “Inquisition” which subverts freedom of thought and expression as it protects the criminal cabal perpetrating and orchestrating this global catastrophe. Truth and justice must prevail over lies and crimes. Currently, the opposite is the case.

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