Friday, October 13, 2017

Fatah and Hamas agree to form Palestinian Unity Government

After years of deadlock, which saw the Fatah party of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas, which controls Gaza, fail to reach any accord, the two parties have today, signed a unity agreement in Cairo. This is the first time Palestine will be governed by a unitary political force since Hamas took over Gaza in 2007.

The new unity government which will control both the West Bank and Gaza is set to form no latter than the 1st of December.

In line with the deal, Egypt Today reports that President Abbas will visit Gaza in the very near future, in an affirmation of the new unity between the two parties.

Earlier this year, Hamas amended its charter, notably severing ties with the Muslim Brotherhood (illegal in Egypt, Syria and elsewhere), while acquiescing to Fatah’s platform since the 1990s, to accept a Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 borders. Previously Hamas argued for a restoration of a Palestine from the Red Sea to the River Jordan, as Fatah did prior to signing the Oslo Accords in 1993.

President Abbas was quoted as saying,

“I welcome the agreement reached between the Fatah and Hamas movements in Cairo

I received a detailed report from the Fatah delegation about what was agreed and I considered it the final agreement to end the division”.

The agreement is set to end Fatah’s internal sanctions against Gaza, as well as return the Egypt-Palestine border at Rafah, back to the Palestinian Authority.

Today’s agreement represents the fruitful conclusion of a meeting earlier this year in Moscow, where Hamas, Fatah and other Palestinian parties agreed to work towards the goal of forming a unity government. Today, in Egypt, the sentiments expressed in Moscow has successfully resulted in a deal for Palestinian unity.

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