Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Toll of Dead and Missing, Damage Mount in California Wildfires

Jim Stites watches part of his neighborhood burn in Fountaingrove, Calif., on Oct. 9, 2017. (Kent Porter/The Press Democrat via AP)

This article comes from PJ Media

by Bridget Johnson

At least 15 people have been killed and more than 2,000 structures have been destroyed in a spate of wind-whipped wildfires across northern California, with more than 150 people reported missing as of this morning.

According to the latest statistics from California’s Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, the Tubbs Fire between Calistoga and Santa Rosa in Sonoma and Napa counties has charred 27,000 acres, destroyed at least 550 homes, including entire housing tracts, and 21 commercial structures, and threatens more than 16,000 more buildings. “Firefighting efforts are being hampered by numerous downed powerlines, drought stricken hazard trees and potential structural collapse from damaged buildings,” says the CAL FIRE report.

The Atlas Fire south of Lake Berryessa in Napa County has burned 25,000 acres, destroyed at least 125 structures and threatens 5,000 more. CAL FIRE says this blaze, along with the Nuns Fire, which has burned 5,000 acres in Sonoma County, and the Patrick Fire, which has scorched 1,000 acres in Napa County, “continue to burn in steep rugged terrain and heavy fuels.”

Up in Mendocino County, the Redwood/Potter Fires have ripped through 21,000 acres. In all, CAL FIRE said in their summary this morning that 17 large wildfires sparked over the preceding 24 hours, whipped up by winds and parched conditions, have burned more than 115,000 acres.

Read more here.

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