Thursday, October 12, 2017

Cop Not Disciplined for Insanely Racist Facebook Post About “Greasy Headed Moon Crickets”

Verdigris, OK — In instance after racist instance, police officers, unable to contain their racism and lust for violence, take to social media and declare their intentions. From calling for the murder of protesters to praising child abuse, it seems nothing is taboo for cops. And, as the case below illustrates, their tendencies to wear their racism as a badge of honor is likely due to the fact that they almost never face discipline.

This week, the Verdigris Police Department announced that one of their officers, Brandon Jarvis, will not be suspended or disciplined in any way after his Facebook account left a demeaning and racist comment on a post.

The post was about the recent NFL protests and how players were taking a knee.

The racist post was made in the comments of a post by another person who joked about hockey players “standing for two anthems.” The NHL added a rule in the 1980s that mandated the national anthems of both the United States and Canada be played before every game, reported the Frontier. 

“Precisely why I don’t watch NFL bunch of f–in overpaid greasy headed (expletive) expecting everything for nothing!! It would make my day to bitch slap the Jerry juice outta everyone of them’s hair!! F— em!! #sorrynotf–insorry” Jarvis’ account was quoted as saying.



According to the Frontier, the meaning of the particular racist slur used in the post is debated, but its origin is said to lie in the slavery era of the United States — it was used to describe slaves who would stand and sing under moonlight.

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Once another Facebook user outed Jarvis as a cop with the Verdigris PD, he was asked about the post and told his superiors that it wasn’t him. He claims his account was hacked.

Naturally, no further investigation was required and Jarvis was allowed to continue working at the department.

Amazingly enough, the alleged hacker did nothing else to Jarvis’ account out of the ordinary, and simply took over his Facebook to make this one racist comment.

Police Chief Jack Shackleford noted that Jarvis would not be suspended but would receive “some personal counseling by me in the use of social media.”

“If he is saying that his account was hacked, I don’t have any evidence to substantiate either claim,” Shackelford told The Frontier.

This could’ve been easily solved with a quick call to Facebook—through the channels specifically created for police—to ask for the IP address from which the post was made.

However, instead of doing any sort of investigation into a potentially violent racist person whose job gives them easy access to act out their destructive desires on innocent people, with very few consequences, Shackelford took this cop’s word.

Seems legit.

Considering the history of racist cops on social media, this lack of discipline should not be surprising.

Earlier this year, a cop in Mason County, WV took to his Facebook account to post a picture comparing black Baltimore rioters with monkeys.

The post says, “Baltimore! Enough said” and shows a picture of African-American people protesting on top of a car, and underneath it is a picture of monkeys on top of a car.

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Before him, there was now-former Officer Melissa Adamson, who was unable to control herself and went on social media to declare that she is the law—in a racist way, naturally.

“I’m the law today n**ga,” she wrote.

Also this year, the assistant chief of police for the Estherwood Police Department resigned after coming under public scrutiny after sharing a racist meme on Facebook that went viral.

The racist post featured a caption stating, “When your daughters [sic] first crush is a little Negro boy,” with a picture of a white woman forcing a little girl’s head underwater in the bathtub.

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